Papers + Rolling Machine?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Matty521521, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. I'm not good at rolling J's and I really have fallen in love with some people's rolling jobs with machine + papers.


    What is the best machine and paper size for rolling 1/2 gram joints?

    Machines are around 3 dollars and papers are cheap as well but I was just wondering If anyone would recommend any ones for half grams!?

  2. Just get 100MM Rolling papers with a 100MM ZigZag perfect for me :)
    Hope that helps

  3. Thanks for replying!

    Is 75mm to small then? Im going to be doing around .4/4.5 J's

    75 vs 100m? Which one?
  4. Not sure if they make 75's. They do with 78MM.
    78MM youre looking at about 1/2 a gram as you wanted, depending on how fat you roll it
    100MM a bit more.
  5. #5 BackpackerYNP, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2013
    But 78 and 100MM will work for sure
  6. I like fairly skinny J's so Im guessing the 100 would be better then? :/
  7. Yeah, I just ordered a 78MM. I'll keep you posted how it works.
  8. With all due respect but the joints you get out of the machine are nothing compared to the real deal. There is so much you can do to a joint to make it special,machines can't even get close.
  9. This is very true. Man made is better then machine made. You can actually make them bigger and better without a machine. Machines make some skimpy ass joints sometimes
  10. king size raw comes out skinny as looks like one those skinny ass blunts a female would smoke.

    Im just gonna keep trying to roll papers...i'm used to manhandling blunts I think.

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