Paper Towels in the Wild

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by P'u-Yi, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. How does marijuana grow in the wild w/out papertowels?

    Are they unable to sprout in soil?

    Is the papertowel method just a holdover from the 70s that just a dumb idea?
  2. It's a better rate of germination method. Plus when you consider the cost of seeds (if purchased from a seed bank) do you really want to toss them in the dirt and hope for the best? I use the paper towel or cheesecloth method (same deal, different material) and once I figured out how to do it correctly it works perfectly.
  3. I think growing in paper towels is more effeicent and reliable when your germinating expensive seeeds but cantharis grows is shit naturally and lets them germinate in soil. Hes been ok since his plants are big motha fuckers, and the only time its gone tits up is when it took one of his seeds 26 days to sprout. But yano. Havnt tried the papertowel trick first grow and i started late so thought id just soil them up. Letme know how its goes though
  4. Weed sprouts fine planted right into the soil and watered IMO.

    Also you cut down on any handling of the weak tap root and baby growth, which can lead to problems.
  5. they can sprout in the ground but in paper towels its faster/more likely to sprout all seeds/less messy.

    i put a shit load of seeds in a 1foot paper towel. wet it. and put 1 more over the top like a blanket.
    all seeds usually sprout in 2 - 3 days with 1-2 inch sprouts.
    when i put them in soil. i notice rapid growth.
    within a few days they got 4 leaves
  6. I prefer the natural method of germinating. TO be honest I can't hardly remember a seed not coming up for me. My dad says i just have a "green thumb" because i can grow just about anything very well, but i'm not here to gloat. But i would say by my experience that using a paper towel is no more effective than starting in soil. I think its more of a patience thing, and wanting to know exactly when the seed cracks and gets its tap root out. Me i'd rather not touch it at that point. I know is good when its stickin up outta the ground. It's just about keeping the moisture level right, and having a decent temperature. Whether the seed is in a paper towel, in the soil, or in a crack in the sidewalk, if its a mature seed, and the conditions are right, the seed will grow.

  7. agreed

  8. Funny stuff. Not a stupid myth but to each his own. I do not use paper towels myself, another step in the process for me to fuck up.

    I want to use your quote as my sig.

  9. Hey Everyone -

    I have to agree with the last few posts in this thread.... I have always planted seeds directly into the soil to germinate. Less handling = less problems with my plants! Also -I build my own seed stock so the seeds are plentiful. But over the last few years I have always had a very high germination rate! To each his (or her) own! Both processes are valid and work....

    Kisses -
    Hott ;)

  10. I have used paper towels and directly in soil. I prefer to plant directly in soil, paper towels is just an unnecessary step really. Paper towels offers no real advantage, IMHO.

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