@SIRSOG @BrewsnWeed666 @Tokintb12 Has Yall Play This 1? SIRSOG IK You have I Just Remember Lol.. ~Toni~
Hell yea I love Paper Mario lol. I'm still on the lava island but I'm almost done with it now I think.
It Hard? ICR! I Just Start A New Game An Still Ina Goomba Village. Is There A Toy Area Level In This Game? I Seem To Remember 1. ~Toni~
It isnt necessarily hard, but it isnt as easy to pick up as like a regular mario game or anything. There is Shy Guys Toy Box, you get Watt right before you go there. There are times when the game doesnt exactly tell you where to go and i remember having an easier time figuring that stuff out as a kid lol but theres a dude you can pay a few gold coins that will tell you where you need to go next once you reach Toad Town I think.
Ohh Ok Thanks For The Info. I Will Probably Need That Guy In Toad Town Lol. Ya I Thought I Remember A Toy Level Init. Shy Guys Toy Box Lol Cool I Get Watt Before Then. I Goin To Play More Today Probably. ~Toni~