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Paper Joints are made from.....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Morph420, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Pigs Fat or some Fat or whatever.

    My brothers told me this last night.

    I had 4 stoners telling me the same thing, I've only been smoking for over half-a-year, and they all have been smoking for 4+ years.
  2. it was cow bones i think. like gelatin.
  3. From Wikipedia

  4. I think they played a trick on you ;)
  5. Hemp papers taste better anyway, it doesn't have such a harsh papery taste.
  6. yeah haha. he got got :hello:
  7. Bah, they told me that joint rolling papers are made from Rice?

    They were kidding about pigs fat.
  8. If it was made of fat wouldn't it absorb all the THC
  9. its either rice paper or hemp paper

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