paper acid

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by smokeituptokeit, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. i would never take acid if i thought it would make me type as many errors as this guy :p
  2. LSD isn't good for you.But people eat acid all the time and dont die, it doesn't kill you it just isn't healthy.
  3. FAIL. Acid is not bad for you in any way, whatsoever.


    (If you don't want that shit send it to me... I'll put it to good use)

  4. There are no negative physical side effects from acid.
  5. I've been doing acid/shrooms for over 22 years, and I'm still healthy as ever.

    DROP IT!
  6. If your new to the acid scene then id recommend taking one tab and seeing how you like it, then taking the other 2 another time.

    Unless of course your hardcore and want to trip balls, and if so then i wish you the best of luck.
  7. just rip a quarter off of one and see what happens
  8. #28 Bud_Burner_420, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2009
    lol @ resistance


    Alexyonfire weed isnt bad 4 u...... its a natural herb?

    and lsd isnt bad 4 u

  9. Its not mentally good for most people.
  10. #30 jcookee, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2009
    I hope you dont think its gonna mess you up like weed or drinking. Its completely diffrent. If it is real, make sure you are ready to take it. Its gonna open up alot of doors that you'll never be able to close again.
    If your not at a show, I suggest you trip around only the person your taking it with. Dont go around anyone in your family that will think anything is up. I'm telling you man when you get scared and fearful when your tripping, its a hard place to leave. I felt like i was stuck in pergatory last time i took it. I thought everyone one around me was dead and it just kept playing over and over again.
  11. I'm planning on taking the acid for the first time in a little bit (i don't know when for sure- its got to be nicer out, and when I'm feeling upbeat and happy- i don't want to take acid when I'm feeling overloaded by schoolwork and drama and these silly life questions I'm always asking myself)

    LSD is safe for you though- I've done my homework.....A LOT of homework. many people have referenced erowoid here, which is the best place for you to go right now.

    You CAN just pick a free day, take a hit sometime early in the day, and be perfectly fine- but there are a whole bunch of ways to make your trip a better, safer trip. Go to erowoid, read the faq, and some of the testimonials written by people who've tried it. THEN you'll hopefully understand what you're getting yourself into. Coming on here and asking whether its safe really shows you have a lot to learn.....
  12. This should be in pandoras box.

    Acid isn't bad for you. Its a matter of what you consider "bad" for you and whether you value the experience more or the influence it has on your physiology more. If you find the experience more valuable than keeping your biology in as tip top shape and living longest without any "abnormalities" or problems of any kind, then weed is bad for you, otherwise it can be perceived as being good for you in fact.
  13. You're supposed to suck on them??!?!?!?

    That's why it didn't work!! All my friends ripped me off because they wanted to trip and it was my first time so they gave me a small dose. (they had to cut up the strips because apparently they were strips of 5 hits. :rolleyes: I didn't really believe that people would put more than one hit on one strip. It didn't make sense to me. So I got like 1/3 of one strip and I'm pretty sure I only got a body high, if that. All my friends were tripping balls though... So I think I just go unlucky and got a piece of the strip with little-no acid on it.
  14. do it. i took 3 my first time and loved it. its awesome i think everything should trip acid at least once in their life
  15. If its real acid take all of it. Chances are its not going to be really strong anyway. I took 2 really strong hits the first time I did it. It was crazy...and awesome
  16. anyone who tells you LSD is completely harmless is just plain naive. LSD is not going to kill you, but you might trip and FEEL like the chemical has had no negative effects but the truth is there is NOWHERE near enough scientific knowledge about LSD to make the claim that it is completely safe. this isn't me trying to tell you not to do it. hell, i've eaten more LSD then most people ever see. but if you're going to use a powerful drug like this, don't just convinse yourself nothing can go wrong because lying to yourself isn't how you want to start your first trip. just acknowledge that it's not great for you...but neither are hotdogs.
  17. #37 swmr, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2009
    Fair warning, you will likely want to stick with just one tab, maybe two. Wait a little more than an hour though. The come up is slow, and after an hour you are certainly not even close to your peak, and it can be hard to judge what you are feeling.

    Take them when you are sober, not high, so you can tell the differences of the come up. If you already smoked, your likely to not notice until your beginning to trip already.

    Make sure you have a trip sitter too. And if your not ready to drop acid, don't drop acid. If you know that you are ready, then by all means, have a great night.

    Also, some people usually smoke a bowl 45 minutes to and hour after they begin. It brings up the trip a little bit quicker, and smoking during your peak makes it more intense.
  18. Tripping is so cool that it's almost a religious experience. Plus, once the heavy tripping is over you'll be so comfy in your own skin that you'll....well...the point is you're gonna love it so just do it!

    thats the way i feel when i come down, overly confident and a new light in my eye... it really is a one of a kind feeling i'll tell you that much, and yes it is nearly impossible to od on acid. you would have to take like 50,000 doses, the only real thing to worry about is that they say their may be long term chromosome damage but its not confirmed!!

    so... eat up and enjoy, hope its real LSD though!!:wave:
  19. #39 Iluvatar, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2009

    Dude wtf. You sound like a government person or something. Whats you're point? LSD is not bad for you. No substance of any kind is completely good for I just don't get your post
    Its not like someone is going to go eat a whole sheet every few days
  20. Ah, if you could do that, life would be simpler..

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