
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SoulSpelunker, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Panpsychism is the belief that consciousness fundamental and everywhere.
    It's an academic term, but people have believed this for long, notably, animists (so pretty much arguably all early people) Buddhists, Hindus, and some strains of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam).

    Recently this concept has been gaining ground in academia. Aneka Harris, married to the famous neuroscientist Sam Harris, wrote a critically acclaimed book which seriously touts this theory. Also in pop culture, most interestingly for myself, in the conversations around psychedelics, and the growing interest in Hermeticism ('the universe is mind' being a hermetic principle). One thing I like about this word is that is is compatible with so many different worldviews.

    Any panpsychists or interested parties out there? I'd love to hear what draws you to this, or what instinctively causes you to shake your head at it?
  2. Yes..the matter was excluded from us..only to return to us as ourselves!

    Like mining a little teapot!
  3. Can’t get behind it. I’m a huge Sam Harris fan and I know his wife and many other intelligent people are either completely behind it, or at least almost there.

    What is it like to be an atom? Are there degrees of consciousness?

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