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Panic Attacks?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ~Socrates, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hello grasscity, I have been smoking on and off since I was 12 years old. I am now 18 and for the past year and a half have been smoking everyday, with maybe 1-2 days MAX in between. I have never ever had a panic attack while smoking, or in life period, even my first couple times getting high where my friends tried to fuck me up on endless bowls of chronic.

    Recently I have been having bad panic attacks, it first started with not being able to breath. I didn't feel out of it or anything just couldn't breath, I stopped smoking cigarettes for the time being thinking that was it. Went to the doctor to get a checkup, everything was fine took blood and all the general tests were fine, they said I was healthy except for the fact that my BMI is 17 and is supposed to be around 22-24. Doctor thought it could be thyroid problems, turns out nothing once again fine.

    So then from just not being able to breath to full on panic attacks, it starts off with not being able to breath followed by pain and tightness in my chest, almost to the point where (I know this sounds stupid) I want to rip open my chest. My heartbeat starts going up rapidly and irregularly fast fast slow, slow slow fast, skipped beats, extreme pounding where I feel my heart is going to jump out. I start to sweat get dizzy my arms legs hands everything is tingling, it feels like I am SUPER fucked up but I know I am not that high, almost feels like I don't have control of my own body and my eyes seem to wander or go into a blank stare.

    Last night I went to bed around 12:40, I had smoked about 11:45 1 bowl of mids, I woke up at around 1:30 sweating and shaking uncontrolably. It felt as if my windpipes were closing up or my chest was collapsing in, had full body spasms I couldn't control once again tingling and numbess through the body, my mind/vision almost felt like I was on shrooms. Everything was different, confusing and just not right, sounds didn't sound normal nothing look as it was supposed to. I then woke up my girlfriend to see if she could help me calm down cause I was about to pass out. As soon as I woke her up told her everything, still freaking out having all the symptons. My whole body had a flash of heat all the way up to my head and I zonked out. I came to and my mother was now in my apartment, which added to the confusing. They took me to the ER (I told them that it was probably a panic attack and it eventually should go away, they didn't think so) I got to the ER, they though I was having a heart attack based off the description.

    All in all they ended up saying it was a severe panic attack (go figure) and they gave me a xanax 20 minutes later I was calm normal breathing and tired ready to go home.

    My question is how can I never in my life have a panic attack and now have one? Unfortunately I think it is marijuana that triggers it as well, which upsets me as I do enjoy marijuana to calm me down and sooth me. Has anyone else had these panic attacks if so how are you able to smoke normally and without them? I also got prescribed xanax would taking those and then smoking neutralize it or make it worse? Just want inputs so I know if I should take a break for a while.

    Aswell could be stress? Recently moved out, lost my job, worry about payments ect.?

    ANy help would be appreciated.
  2. I dont know what to tell you besides weed can cause panic attacks.

    I never believed it until it happned to my brother. My brothers late 20's and he started getting them around 23. He smoked since he was about 9-10 years old, Just like i started around the same age.

    He smoked weed non-stop and him being my older brother i looked up to him and smoked weed non-stop aswell and what not.

    At first he didnt admit to it, We'd be having group sessions and he'd take a hit and act like he didnt know how many hits he took and pass it on. Or he'd have to leave to go to the bathroom or something, The whole time he was having somewhat of panic attacks.

    Then it got real bad and his panic attacks were horrible. I hate even thinking about it, I love my brother so much and to see a grown man like that so scared wasnt cool. I was real worried. He took almost two weeks off work, Figured he'd get fired for it but he had to. Now hes eats .5mg of xanax everyday just to make sure the effects dont come on again because they do here n there.

    At first he wasnt sure it was the weed but after time he realized everytime he smoked it triggered the symptons, Even being on xanax for awhile hed smoke once a month or something, Take nothing more then 2-5 hits and give it 10ish minutes and he started to have a panic attack and had to lay down and close his eyes and hope his heart wouldnt explode. It was intense for me so i knew it was out this world for him.

    As much as he loves weed still, He still wants to grow again to and not even smoke, But hes even said many times hell prolly never smoke weed again because of this, Not that he dont want to, But hands down it causes panic attacks for him now. After some 10+ years of smoking of no problems, It gave him panic attacks after that time.

    When he went to the doc they gave him some anti-depressants which stopped the panic attacks but he had no feelings, He was numb and tired and bored and didnt like it so i cop him xanax on the street for his actual medical reasons because the docs think he'll abuse the xanax and hes honestly dosent. He dosent even like the buzz if he were to.

    But sad to say, It happens, And i dont know of any cure besides not smoking and watching yourself.

    I still think its stress, He trys to let everything slide and act like it dosent faze him but deep down it does and i know that, But nothing hes done has changed it so he basically just has to live with the fact that he can never smoke the wonderful herb he still loves for the rest of his life.

    What are you to do ya know?..
  3. Panic attacks are just one of the many possible side effects... paranoia. I used to have them quite a bit but it's something you learn to control. Pot's not gonna harm him. It'll take time but the frequency should decrease :cool:
  4. Yeah hate to think that I won't be able to smoke anymore, I have a 1 month old perfect baby growing as well :mad:. We will see stopped completely tried 1 last time last night, same thing so I took a xanax to relieve it and now today I feel completely fine, and I haven't smoked :eek:. Thanks for the input, guess only time will tell, sorry for your brother I know exactly how it feels. Having all of that happen to you and feeling helpless is the worste feeling in the world.
  5. I've had panic attacks before from weed. Try to get more of an indica, thats my only advice. Some times a strong sativa head high can freak ppl out. My advice would be when your smoking, make sure you have some chill music on and you are in a chill environment.

    If your smoking with two other kids who just keep saying "copscopscops-shhshh-were-too-loud" that is more likely to make you freak the fuck out haha

    Maybe smoke by yourself a couple times? and start slow, sometimes they are cause by smoking too much, or smoking really good weed.
  6. hey man I know exactly what you are talking about. I have pretty bad anxiety and I have found that marijuana can easily make me very paranoid. I smoke daily but im a kind of one hit smoker. Marijuana is mistaken to have to be smoked by the ton, chill and smoke until your comfortable, you dont have to get blitzed everytime you burn. Good luck.
  7. The quantity and quality I don't think have anything to do with it. I've smoked so much for so long, 5 bowls in a row isn't uncommon. When I have these it's after 1 bowl, like I said in the most chill environment anyone could want. I can smoke by myself still doesn't make a difference. In the past I could hit 10 bowls of chronic and walk into walmart on the most crowded day and be fine, little *****ed and giggly but thats just being high.
  8. I am a pretty new smoker, and I get mini panic attacks sometimes. I used to get them almost every other time I smoked.. it was a total pain in the ass so I know how you feel.

    Whenever I get that feeling after blazing, where my chest tightens up and I feel like my breathing is getting heavy I just tell myself it's all in my head. At first it was hard to convince myself, but as I kept experiencing it I learned to just put the thoughts of it in the back of my mind.

    Just keep telling yourself you are fine and that it's all in your head.
  9. I used to get real paranoid while smoking, but that's gone away. Sometimes if I'm super high I have to tell myself that I'm just high and I'm fine. never had an attack like yours though.

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