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Panic attack?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Freakinfreak, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Me again, hey.

    Just tried to go to bed and everytime I try I sort of forget to breathe. So now I'm sat here not knowing what the hell to do.

    Any help please? Thanks :)
  2. you must be fucked up to forget to breathe :smoke:
    haha, just chill and get some water or something to do that will keep you occupied.
  3. Lol i dont think this counts as a panic attack. go to sleep man.
  4. Maybe you are just a little too high. I really haven't been smoking that long honestly and about a year ago my gf got some pot from someone at her work and we smoked like four joints between us. Don't know if it was just some good chronic or had something on it, but it got me so high I was scared as fuck. I thought I was dying and had to concentrate to stay alive. Mind you I'm 32 lol. College educated all that shit so this isn't some hs kid saying this. Seemed like the fear fed the fear and it was really hard to calm down. So just remember if it's the weed then it's gonna go away you just gotta wait it out bro. You will be good. Play some relaxing music and think about a place you want to visit like a beach or anything peaceful. Breath slowly in and out. Long inhales and exhales. That will lower your blood pressure and relax you.
  5. your supposed to breathe?
  6. Just chill dude, you're all good. You're just high and freaking yourself out. :p

    You may stop breathing for a few seconds and then you realize this when your body says "hey, I need to breathe again". But you aren't going to just stop breathing and die or anything.

    Your body will breathe for you when you forget. ;)

    Just try to relax and not over-analyze things to much. It's all good, you're fine, everything is okay. :cool:
  7. But guys, I didn't smoke! I smoked not last night, the night before and had a bad trip. Then last night (and day) I didn't smoke but tried to go to sleep and then it's like I forgot I had to breathe.

    Reckon I was having a flashback or something? I dunno...
  8. Thats pretty weird. You should smoke a little like a single bowl pack and then try and go to sleep. Marijuana is a cure all I swear. I had a sore throat the other day....went out on a limb and smoked a bowl, my throat felt 100X better. You will sleep like a baby if you smoke a lil bit of weed dude trust me.
  9. It was actually the first time I'd smoked. I had like 6 pretty bloody big hits and tripped badly so I'm just wondering if it's not fully worn off yet, hmm...
  10. you didn't trip, because you don't trip off just got too high

    learn and respect your limits

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