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panic attack?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pers0n, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. so do panic attacks on weed my the effect completely different?:confused:
    cause i had really bad first time experience with it and feel like i want to give it another go but am to scared that maybe it will happen again, cause that was probably the worst feeling I've had in my life. I was thinking maybe the weed was laced or something like that? A friend sold me it for a discounted price cause he needed money.
    also, it doesnt smell i smoked it in the bathroom in my house with my mom home and my siblings were both home no could smell anything?
  2. Weed is hardly ever laced unless you lace it yourself. It was heroin.

    No, I'm kidding, or am I? Anyway, not everyone acts the same way when they get high...some just chill out on the couch watching cartoons and eating Cheetos while others keep peering out the window.

    Give it another go but be more relaxed this time around, try and make yourself as comfortable as possible and make sure you are in a safe spot such as your house or something. If the next time results are the same, don't smoke, unless it is heroin...then you really won't have much choice.

  3. It would really help if you could describe why you felt you had a panic attack. You may have, its totally normal. You also could've simply smoked too much. Next time you smoke, dont go into it thinking "fuck what if i freak out" because then you will. Be in a good frame of mind, and when you're high, dont THINK about anxiety, just think good thoughts and keep yourself distracted with music, snacks, tv, anything you enjoy.
  4. If your heart felt like it was beating 10x faster than usual, it's pretty normal the first time. If you don't think about it you won't notice it. Just relax and tell yourself everything is fine.

  5. this...also, any chest pressure or discomfort is usually due to anxiety as well. you're not having a heart attack.
  6. dude if your tryin to smoke in the bathroom and shit you have a certain amount of anxiety going in, this is not good. The effects will amplify your current state---->heightned anxiety---->anxiety attack. Weed being a mild psycedelic u need to consider set and setting

  7. well i smoke about 2-3 bottles full of smoke through a waterfall bong by myself possibly in less than 4 minutes. i was feeling actually pretty good cause i knew i was getting high cause i could see my eyes getting red and thought "this is going to be cool" then i was going to take a shower when I stared at my shadow then noticed that there was something different like my mind was "losing balance" then i tried it again and this time i really freaked out cause it felt like my mind had crashed like when a computer crashes it was horrible. Also do you think because of this it might have been a sativa?

  8. yeah did feel like i was having a heart attack. Probably smoked to much to fast nd my tolerance was at zero but also how can such a small amount of weed get such a crazy effect? i smoked like the tip of my pinky about a nug of weed.
  9. My first time was a bit like that, me and my mates were smoking bongs on his patio, it was about 8 and we heard a noise from next door.

    I freaked out and thought somone heard us, my mates having done it before, knew what to do, they guided me into the house, and just put me in front of a t.v, for the rest of the night i was fine.

    The main thing is, really to just distract yourself, if you start to freak out, go somewhere else, somewhere safe, and just chill after a while, hopefully after a while the panic attack will just be a faded memory.
  10. I've had some wild panic attacks before that even entail auditory hallucinations... It's always funny after it happens because my friends always want to hear about my alternate experience. You'll be fine always remember that.

  11. So will my high be more enjoyable if i get higher more slowly?
  12. I personally don't ever see a difference, but you could try doing that and easing yourself into it seeing how high you would want to be.

    And as for the panic attacks, you may just be feeling your heart beat or finding yourself over thinking things to the point were you question reality itself. That may be what the "computer crash" feeling your experiencing. :confused:

    I would recommend smoking with a friend who is a bit more familiar with weed than you, he may be able to explain things clearer after a few bowls have gone around. And the company of a friend can make the experience all the better.
  13. How much did you smoke bit you probably smoked to much. Try taking 1 or 2 hits and waity for about 20 mins and if you want to get higher than take a little bit more but just don't over do it
  14. You smoked to much!

    Learn from me, I did the same thing my first time. I smoked a whole bowl and felt like i was leaving my body and passed out. The next time I only smoked a bud the size of a pea and it was a perfect fun high. Try that.

    Also be somewhere comfortable and safe. Listen to happy music that you like, have some good tasting food. And EAT A MEAL a little while before you smoke. Weed increases metabolism which lowers blood sugar which can cause anxiety.

    Weed increases heart rate, but it's safe and normal so don't worry about that.
  15. this. when you over analyze things when you're high thats a one way ticket to panicville. just chill out

    source(s): take it from a high guy
  16. Let me tell you a quick story. It should help you find the answer.

    So I used to smoke weed a lot, like all the time... All I wanted to do was get high and it was awesome. My high would be awesome, I felt good. I could always smoke as much weed without having to worry about freaking out or getting paranoid, just didn't happen to me.

    Then one day I had an incident occur while I was smoking that was unrelated to the fact I was smoking but still caused me to freak out a lil. I was worried about my health and stuff. Then I smoked 2 days after the episode and started thinking I was dieing. My heart was racing, my hands were numb and I was feeling sick. I thought I was having a heart attack, but it turned out it was a panic attack. Soon after I realized everything was good so I tried again, but even though I 'thought' everything was OK I was still a lil scared prior to smoking. I smoked anyway and immediately I wasn't enjoying the high, I wasn't flipping out like before but I wasn't enjoying it... My chest was tight and I felt uncomfortable. I went through the high but I was miserable. I just didn't know what to do. I talked to a friend and he told me to just think about the situation and realize that it's all in your head. I did that and with time I got to a point where I can get stoned again :D

    Just realize worrying, panic attacks and all that other shit is in your head. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
  17. Why is this not like a well know fact? Weed can causes panic attacks, it can cause anxiety, depression, etc. I get all of the above and deal with it just fine.

    Just smoke, nothing will happen, fuck.

  18. thats a great story

  19. As others have said you could try just easing into the high, have one bong, wait a bit see how you feel, then if your good, have another and then again wait a bit.

    Just take it slow, it may take a while to get used to being high, so moderation untill you have yourself under control is a safe way to test the waters.

  20. Ah, I see what your saying

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