Panic attack, horrible lingering effects. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Raymenizer, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. It does?

    What does it do?

    Edit: “A plant is stationary and it is crucial she gets her 12 hours.“

    So what happens?

  2. she gets naked and screams
  3. Oh.

    I just didn’t realize Cannabis needed sleep.

  4. what is it that you have against me then?
  5. Absolutely zero - I was only referring to the comments that cannabis plants required darkness..

    Please - carry on.

  6. no. you are trying to make a point in a sarcastic and silly way
    'It does?
    What does it do? '

    this is not a serious referral to a subject. this is the attitude of someone who is bothered by something he/she read
    I dont even think it has anything to do with what was said, maybe it is who said it that bothered you for some reason and you are just lookign for anykind of excuse to fullfill your ego. I think you need to carry on. not me.
  7. You know dude I WAS ready to put it down - but now, instead let’s quote you:

    Your body needs certain things. like 8 hours of sleep.
    Even a plant freaks out if she doesnt get her 12 hours of darkness.
    what makes you think flesh and blood person like you is going to be okay? A plant is stationary and it is crucial she gets her 12 hours.”

    I see so much misinformation spread about growing plants that yeah - When I see it I’m going to say something.

    So are we continuing this conversation about how plants need a rest period or are we putting it down? Totally up to you.


  8. You dont get it do u
    I was 100% correct about you.
    The only thing you are spreading is your anger at the world.
  9. Lol!!

  10. TLDR responses, do you have high blood pressure?
  11. Guys, i think i did damage to myself that day and this is permament, the guy i smoked with swears he didnt lace the weed but idk its hard to beljeve weed did this to me, some say its stress, that unfortunately weed triggered a phycosomatic disorder, that its mind over matter, i dont believe this, i literally feel weird sensations throughout my body everyday, i have tried everything, changing my sleeping pattern, eating better, exercising, absolutely no improvement, im 18 and my life is fucked just because of weed, i know weed has medicinal properties for some but it totally fucked me up perhaps my weed was laced but idk what it couldve been laced with to cause this shit, for a long while i had murder on my mind for the guy i smoked with but he says he didnt do anything to the weed...

    Thanks for everyones support, especially SativaBlau, youre a good person, you honestly care and offered advice to a absolute stranger, you were more understanding than my family man, turns out not everybody is assholes on forums.

    I really dont know what to do from here, honestly i dont, i cant say i havnt had stupid thoughts but i want to believe, tomorrow things will be better.
  12. No according to the doctors im 100 percent ok and healthy, i had scans, blood tests, all came back clear, i thought i had cancer, then i thought i had diabetes (my mom had it) but im all clear, now people are saying its all in my head and stress.
  13. Maybe you have severe anxiety or something. Go to a psychiatrist.

  14. brother I do not know you. but i know i felt the same way you did when i was your age.
    I told you I went to every fricking emergency room at every hospital within 20 miles from my house every other week only to find out i had a panic attack and leave with some tylenol.
    there is nothing wrong with you. you are young. your body went through some major hormonal change. you do not see life the same way you used to see a few years ago. you are growing and trying to fit in. maybe your family is not there to understand this and support you. maybe you do not have good friend that can give mental advise. but just know one thing. the only reason the way you are how you are is not because there is something wrong with you. it is becuase everyone and everything around you.
    Had you had maybe a better shot at life with better oppurtunities and maybe better people around you or just be at the right place at the right time one time to get a break, maybe your life would have been different now. notice I am saying different. not better. because to make it better, it is all on you. you make it better.
    I promise there is not a single thing wrong with your mind. you are just an emotional deep thinking person who is dealing with teenage hormones at the moment. you need to calm. you need to listen to yourself from twenty years ago (that is me) who had similar issues.
    Dont give up on yourself and never doubt yourself.
    When you are in your 40s and have twice the amount of experience in life, you are going to look back and see you were just a kid dealing with a cruel world all alone. thats all man.
  15. Great advice! You need to lay off the video games.....They turn you into a zombie, instead go outside and get some sun and start eating healthier. Your body is what you eat and put in it. If you abuse it then it's going to freak out untill you fix them.
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  16. I admit i messed up my life before weed, i dropped out of highschool and then this shit happened, but if it wasnt for the way im feeling right now i wouldve gone back and finished my grades, i still want to do it, but i keep thinking, whats the use if i get my grades and then i still feel this way, i want to be normal, i learnt my lesson, i wont do any drug again, not even alcohol...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I didnt play games for a long while until recently i started playing games again, i started playing this game called Skyrim and im enjoying it alot...
  18. My dad thinks its the phone and the games making me this way but thats not true
  19. I told you from the first message. your problem is lack of sleep and you not caring about your body
    when you dont give your body the proper sleep it needs and load up an sugary stuff, your body becomes weak but your mind is stimulated. hence causing all kinds of confusion in your body. your body says you need to sleep. now. but your mind says no I like the message I am recieving through my brain and i have to keep up this activity.
    Your body doesn't know what you are doing. to it, you are observing and sending messages to your brain. which then it receives the message and send out the necessary chemicals throughout your body to help you control the situation. if you are always alert, eventually it is going to turn into paranoia aka known as a full blown panic attack.
  20. Weed did not cause you brain damage.
    Jesus Christ this thread is just getting ridiculous.
    You obviously have many underlying issues in the way you take care of yourself that’s contributing to your mental state.
    Not from weed.

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