Panic attack, horrible lingering effects. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Raymenizer, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Hey everyone, i really dont know what happened to me i was hoping someone here could give me some insight on whatever might be the problem so let me start.

    About 3 years ago i smoked weed and had a panic attack, i was wearing a beanie and it felt like the beanie was burning my head when i took it off my head was all tingly, i also felt what felt like water going down my face the whole time.

    I smoked with another guy who was very experienced (i just started out) well i freaked out and said i need to get home he just told me to relax and that i was tripping out but i couldnt relax, i ran home still feeling this burning liquud sensation in my head and also the water sensation in my face.

    When i got home i splashed my face with water and went to bed thinking that these sensations would go away once i fall asleep, i managed to fall asleep whilst bearing these horrible sensations.

    Heres my problem, these sensations never went away, i still expeeience that weird feeling in my head also the liquid feeling in my face when i lay down on my back and look up i can feel it going down my face, applying pressure to my face seems to make it go away so im constantly touching my head to relieve this feeling.

    I have seen doctors, got blood tests and brain scans all came back normal so i really dont know what to think anymore

    I stupidly took the advice of a stoner to smoke again because he said its all in my head and that i need to correct my bad trip. Well i smoked again and made things worse i gt the burning sensation in my head again and the
    Now after that high wore off my head sensations wernt worse or better but i did get an array of other symptoms, like twitching eyelids, my calves feel like theyre bubbling its really weird. Basically my whole body feels odd after that bad experience

    If youve read this far thank you! Id just like to know what happened to me ive been told its phycosomatic but i dont know i was 15 when this happened i am now 18 and im fucking scared. How the hell could weed have caused this???
  2. Don't worry, man, I'm a doctor!

    I have no idea.*

    *Not to be mistaken for medical advice.:coolalt:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  3. So I dont get it.
    You had a bad trip 3 years ago where you had some liquid feeling on your face.
    And the feeling stayed with you for 3 years?

    Speaking of panic attacks. I had major ones in your age. I had my friends rushing me to emergency many times becuase I though i was dying. Had all kinds of stupid thoughts. Its you doin it to your body my friend.

    If you start toking with the thought of a possible panic attack from weed. well guess what its going to happen becuase you already set your mind for that. you are preparing for some unpleasent feeling that you think you are going to get from marijuana and it triggers the moment you feel the effects. Its new to you. So it is okay to freak out. But just know one thing. Noone has ever died from smoking marijuana.

    It is not the marijuana causing panic attack. It is you.. marijuana just does what its supposed to do. That is make you feel weird and different. Thats normal. If you let go of your fear and let the plant do whatever it needs to do to you, you will be fine.

    Trust me bro. Your friend was not lying.
    I saw one of my friends as the devil when he had me try marijuana the first time. I really thought he was working for the devil for making me feel that scared. But it is in your head. If you lived in a world where people got scared of being drunk, meaning if being drunk was not as common as it is among people and if it is something new to the masses, you would also hear same fearful thoughts about being drunk too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Hi yes, i still feel that weird sensation in myface from mmypanic attack, also when i breath i can feel something in the back of my head moving i just dont get how one joint couldve done this. I have llostmy friend because iihave accused him of lacing my weed but he swears he never so idk
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Your probably just anixious I was similar a long time ago and it went away so don’t worry
  6. I hope so its been 3 years, my life has gone to shit because of this, i wish that i can just go to bed and wake up and these feelings will be gone
  7. How is your sleep schedule? dont lie. its for your own good
  8. Prob won’t b burnin with that dude for a bit. Hope he wasn’t ur connect as well.
    If that’s a normal sensation then why u freakin out. Sounds like u got other issues goin on. I’d leave the green alone n work on yourself.
  9. It was bad but i fixed it.
  10. i think your problem is how you treat your body. sleep is the worst enemy of anxiety. and lack of sleep is I think one of the main causes of anxiety. If you dont get enough sleep, your mind and body is not healthy. coupled with the fact of young age life style, drinking. partying, playing video games until the morning and eating everything that is horrible to you such as fast food, soft drinks, snacks, choclate etc.

    Thats what caused you to have an anxiety attack.
  11. not sleeping and eating liek crap, drinking alcohol will not give you anxiety. But if you do it for a few days, your body will react. and you are going to be lookign for the problem elsewhere. blame your friend. or something you ate that day etc. The problem is an accumulated problem. you can not fix it in one day.
    if you bought a car that has been in an accident, it would take time to fix it. But you need to be willing to repair it.

    Change your sleep habits, start taking vitamins and eat somewhat healthier. If that does not better your symptoms within a week, come back and call me a fucking liar
  12. You can not eat like crap, sleep 2-3 hours a day, play video games allnight, not socialize with people and expect to be perfectly healthy and have great state of mind. I am not saying you are doing this. But if you are, that is your problem. I know because I did it for years when I was your age and only figured out that it was my lifestyle that caused it. I am 38 years old now. never had a panic attack for 10 years or so. I used to get them daily. But I also went to bed 3-4 in the morning (some times none) ate like crap stayed up on the computer all night etc. It gets to you brother. trust me. Your body needs certain things. like 8 hours of sleep.
    Even a plant freaks out if she doesnt get her 12 hours of darkness.
    what makes you think flesh and blood person like you is going to be okay? A plant is stationary and it is crucial she gets her 12 hours. It is just as crucial you get your daily sleep and you move run around all day.
  13. Thanks fofothis reply! I need tttoletgo of the thought that weed caused this it might have triggered an anxiety disorder i have treated my body badly, for a long while ibarely slept playing video games through the night. I havnt eaten properly iI lost 10 kilograms my dad and family members keep commenting and saying how skinny ive gotten im just so depressed iidont become hungry
  14. there is your answer

    Trust me. There should not be any problems with you at this age. I guarantee you are 100% healthy and I m sure doctors say so to you as well. You just need to change your lifestyle and take care of your body.
    I am not saying smoke all the weed you can now either. You need to find a balance with everything. sleep, food, playing, socializing, smoking. When you give your body what it needs on a daily basis, you will improve your mood and the quality of your life. sleep is very important. Never overlook it.
  15. What about CBD oil for the panic or the weird stuff your dealing with.
    Not the CBD from the mini Mart find a good supplier.
    Maybe a high CBD strain of canabis.
    I get it for wife's seizures and helps big time.
  16. Dont take anything for anxiety. Then you are going to be dependant on it. Instead fix the problem from its root. Change your sleeping and eating habits. Do it for one week. And come back for update. You will be a different person.
    7 hours of sleep every night, try to eat good, drink a ton of water. Dnt drink any alcohol( trust ne its the worst for anxiety especially when not gettin enough sleep)
    Take some vitamins di everything you can to take care of yourself for one week
    What you are doing is abusing your body on a daily basis and expect your state of mind to be perfctly healthy. It doesnt work like that bud.
    I went through what you are going through in the 90s and there was nobody that could understand me. Same way you are feeling now. Listen to me brother. You will thank me later
  17. Thanks for the advice, i wasnt expecting people being so helpful, i though teveryone would say im fucked but that cant be because i just smoked weed i realise all of this can be in my head, i feel like shit everyday with these twitches and weird feelings all over my body, i realise i made it worse when i smoked again and had another panic attack
  18. Nah im done with weed it doesnt agree with me
  19. Guys im freaking out here, i dont understand how pot couldve caused this, let me just explain my symptoms, i feel like fluid is running down the side of my face each time i breath, i experienced this on my trip, i have a very weird sensation in the back of my head like a tightness and like theres something crawling back there everytime i breath, i get strange sensations all over my body, coldness, wetness, my legs feel like theyre being pressured, i also felt this on my bad high, it feels like air bubbles in my calves moving around, im not sure if im imagining this or not, lets see.... What else... Head pressure, stiffness in my back and an uncomfortable feeling like something is clinging onto my back, a fizzing almost, i feel this in arms too sometimes, my head literally hurts everyday, i just cant believe this is all in my head, its too much then again i cant believe this was caused by weed, i was happy before all this shit now my life is miserable and i feel this stuff everyday i admit i obsess over this but who wouldnt? My theory is that the weed and all the stress during my panic attack damaged nerve endings in my brain or something these sensations are just freaking weird i turned 18 a few weeks ago i was really hoping by now i would be ok but im not i fucked up and i ruined my life...
  20. All this doesnt make sense, iihad absolutely no other symptoms other than the weird head ssensationfor 3 years, in those 3 years i googled my symptoms everyday, getting to alot of neurological disorders like MS which freaked me out then i smoked weed again and got these twitches in my right eyelid and calves so whats the deal? IIknow tthisisnt anyones problem its mine but iimconfused after all my tests ccameback clear but iimstill dealing wwiththis shit

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