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Panic attack after eating edible, one after still having panic attacks

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Charlie052, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. I ate an edible, and had a very bad experience. Had a panic attack, heart rate very high and sweating a lot. I dont smoke nor like weed. And after a week I still have panic attacks and feel something is wrong in my brain. Is this normal? Will it go away? And will I have panic attacks permanently? And if you had this experience, those panic attacks never came back and how you feel now
  2. Sounds like you took too much. After 24 hours, the cannabis has no more effect. Any panic attack after 24 hours, has nothing to do with cannabis.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Relax young apprentice, you are over thinking it. You said you do not smoke, so this was your first EXP with weed? You likely ODed a bit since it was your first time and had such a strong dose.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Relax. How much did you take ?
  5. I dont know but it was a small piece, not a big one
  6. Yes, I will never try it again, it is not for me.
  7. Are those panic attacks normal after a week? And are they permanent?
  8. As mentioned above, the weed has done its thing and gone now… Your panic attacks may be quite real, but at this point, they are self induced…
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I don't know what does of edible you took but whatever the dose, edibles are considerably stronger than smoking weed mg per mg of THC since the body converts Delta 9 THC to 11 Hydroxy THC which is 2-4x more potent than Delta 9. Edibles also last much longer than smoked or vaped weed.

    Sounds like you bit off a lot more than you were comfortable chewing. Which is ok but a lesson learned. You'll be fine. Just try to relax the best you can. The experience rattled you which can happen but you're gonna be completely fine and feel better each passing day. If you want to try weed again in the future, smoke or vape and just take 1 hit and go from there.
  10. This is why being educated about how much you are taking is very important
  11. how about we stop being pussies.

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