www.pandora.com for all those who love music and certain artists but hate cycling through their itunes every 10 seconds to find the right song..this website plays music similar to an artist you like and plays their stuff plus a ton of bands you havent heard in years or ones youve never heard of...its good for those high nights and you just want a running playlist without having to think about it its free so stingy people are welcome...plus if you have an iPhone you can put it on there for free FYI so its radio on the go with no commercials...ever.
music section much? btw pandora is awesome i use it a lot. however, it doesnt rlly work in every country, im in poland right now and it says it doesnt work. 2 bad cuz i rlly like that stuff. i have it on my iphone 2.
only works in the U.S. right now. PANDORA IS LIFE CHANGING. this thread should be moved to music and sticky'd. for serious admins, the ones in the states, TRY IT!
wow... i tried pimiping pandora a while ago... even bumped a thread about it in music hall last night ....can't really seem to get many people in to it.... i've even got it on my cell