I Have Found A Good Bucket With Lid To Use For A Bubbling Technique But I Couldnt Find A Dark Color, So I Painted It With Black Latex Paint And The Lid Also.........if A Little Of Paint Flakes Get Into The Water Will It Kill My Plants Should I Consider Putting Tape Around The Areas I Painted To Prevent Flakes From Getting In The Water Or Do Yall Think It Will Be Fine
hey man did you paint the inside? if you painted the inside i would say you are going to have some pronblems. most people use electrical tape on the outside. but if you must paint get some sandpaper or steelwool and rough up the outside. it will help the paint stick and it should not flake. good luck
no i only painted the outside i was only worried about flakes from the outside part getting in but i just taped over the paint to be save and stuck mylar on the top of the lid to get good reflection underneath