I got a bong delivered recently but there something on it that i didn't order. The company decided to include a weird looking picture of a spider on it and it looks terrible. I was toying with the idea of spray painting over it a bit, has anyone ever done this? What paint should i use/thoughts?
Ah yeah i forgot to include that, i tried a couple of sticker removers/scraping but nothing worked and i dont want to damage the glass
true if i painted it, first off i wouldnt use spray paint so look up a good paint that paints well on GLASS. and you probly wanna get a brush n shit to do it with you could just make some crazy tribal design with only black and cover it up still have kool artistic bong n shit
yeah definitely paint specificly for glass. I was thinkin like a black band around the stem of the bong where that spider is
yea dude, totaly, i mean even take it as far as to add some extra designs to the black bar like, idk like tribal tattoos crazy black designs
SOAAAK that shit in ISO alcohol. If you soak it long enough the stickers glue will diminish for you =D If it is not a sticker... and you decide to paint over it, take a piece of paper, make it into a perfect tight and leveled circle around your bong. make two. one for hte top and one for the bottom. place one over top of the spider and the other on the bottom where you want the paint to show up. Spray paint a few coats, letting it dry for about 30-35 minutes each coat in a room with regular heat and no wind. Take the paper off and enjoy
just put a sticker over it. or if you like the band idea then use some colored duct tape of your liking and wrap it around a couple times. just a few ideas.