Pain and Suffering. Why?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by meddlehaze, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Everything that must go up must come down.

    Every action has a reaction.

    Not matter where, who, when, why for every good in the world there are always something bad to balance it out.

    Think of it this way. When someone/people are loving life, amazing house, girlfriend, job, income and friends and nothing can ever bring them down. There always people that see this in jealously. The cause the reaction for hate/anger towards that person or a general dislike. This there for kicks off other bad reactions.

    Dont look into this as me as i dont see life like that. Its just something i thought of to put the topic into perspective.
  2. #42 TesseLated, Nov 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2011
    That is just an element of this life we are currently living...pain/pleasure, joy/suffering...up/down, stay/ this dimension..

    ..Hopefully we learn our lessons and progress from it...This is just what I believe-with no attachment to any dogma or creed
  3. Pain exists to test humanity if they were to help each other out and how they would cope with certain situations. With suffering, comes ease.
  4. because humans are infatuated with drama
  5. I'm with Dryice on this one. Every human quality emerged through evolution; nothing transcends this. As to why we experience pain- er, I'm not really qualified to speak of anything about evolution in depth. I suppose it's a survival mechanism. And if you're referring to suffering as an extension of pain, or a psychological pain, well it exists for the same reason.
  6. Thank you.

    I don't understand your last sentence though:confused:
    Thank you.
    I would consider you spiritual, nonetheless

    Thank you.
    How about your take on suffering, the prolonged experience of pain? Does that fit into your idea of testing?
    Rape, torture, and the anguish my uncle is currently experiencing due to the loss of his son (who was murdered in Afghan by a Jihad suicide bomber) exists because people are infatuated with drama? I'm not sure if I rightly understand you. I'm not debating, I simply want to understand.
  7. Thank you.

    Do you have any specific world-view? I assume atheism, nihilism, or materialism since you don't believe in the philosophy of transcendence. But I'm left in question
  8. I believe pain exists to promote evolution...

    If going through or observing a painful experience, one tends to question why...

    And by questioning, you gain perspective, kinda like you're doing now..

    Reflection.. Understanding... It's a constant quest... Painful situations can trigger shifts in consciousness, maybe leading to higher understanding

    just a thought. we'll all know one day :smoking:
  9. pain and suffering exist most of the time, because of the distinction we make ourselves .

    Also if you are moved by desire or fear you are always prone to suffering
  10. Thank you.

    Thank you.

    Do either of you guys hold any world-view?

  11. I try to be as open-minded as possible. I won't dismiss claims with insufficient evidence automatically, but at the same time I try to take the most rational approach. Hence why my worldview is shaped by what we learn empirically.

    I love philosophy but I don't have any formal education in it, therefore I can't/haven't really subscribed to any philosophical viewpoint.
  12. Empiricism. Thanks man

  13. I was raised baptists (by surprising well educated Christians) but i fell off that bandwagon years ago... i red the entire bhagvad gita this spring and it spoke words you can't imagine to me... i've recently researched budhist quotes, particularly the one about suffering...

    and i just recently watched most of my dad's four month struggle with cancer... i was with him when he died 9 days ago... been through a lot of pain and so has my family but i can't imagine what he went through... he held his faith all the way though, that everything would be allright no matter the outcome, and that renews my faith

    i've meditated on it and the one thing i think he's finally pounded into my head is peace... no hate... no violence.. just peace... and a lot of love...

    maybe all the pain serves a purpose. and it's what gets me through.
  14. My sincere condolences to you and your family. I can't imagine what you or anyone who knew your father are going through. I can say, however, that I admire the fact that you haven't lost hope entirely.
    Peace, no hate, no violence, just peace, and a lot of love. That was a huge part of Jesus' ministry and lessons when preaching the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

    Much love man, you and your family are now in my prayers.

    Thank you.
  15. Just thought about this:
    We're all hallucinating about things that aren't really there. Pain and suffering don't exist, it's our human mind's that are hallucinating it. Humans do seem pretty obsessed with their emotions, and we let things upset us way too easily. Seems like pain and suffering would go away if we didn't care so much about it. Fish don't get sad when they're loved ones die.
  16. Whether they "exist or not" does not matter, in my opinion. What matters is that we experience them regardless. This to me, proves they are real, but I understand your thoughts. I honestly used to believe the same thing.
  17. Er, hallucinate isn't really the right word. We really do experience feelings, regardless of the fact that they're not tangible. Our feelings manifest from physical processes. Sure you can manage pain to a certain extent, but it still exists.

  18. ahh ya sorry...ill try to expand. i mean the inherent 'drama' that exist with egoism. (cool post about ego)
    i think 'ego' runs at all levels: the self, family, nation state, even universities(school spirit)

    anyways, i'm going to assume that your uncle's son was in the armed forces. if this is so, what is the purpose of the military's presence ? i can guarantee the reason is because of an egoistic desire on the part of the nation-state whom your uncle's suffering is merely a consequence of.

    if i didn't make sense, let me know and i'll try my best to clear it up
  19. Well lately I've been leaning toward biological naturalism (Biological naturalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). It makes a lot of sense since I don't believe life has any intrinsic value or hidden meaning because its just the result of natural, highly unlikely and complex, biological processes. Whatever happens in your mind can be explained by the organization and function of your brain. I believe life is absurd and pointless but because it has no point, life is so special. You can do whatever you want with it, as if it was a blank canvas and you were the artist. Paint the grandest and most extravagant life story. You deserve it.

    Suffering and pain are the result of millions of years of evolution. They exist to helps us survive and pass on our genes (the whole purpose of life). Emotions are created in our brains to work as an evolutionary advantage for our species. Emotions work by giving the brain shots of "feelings" depending on the situation. If humans did something "good" (in terms of evolution), the brain would give the human, little doses of "happiness" (dopamine and whatnot). If something bad happened, the brain would ring a bell and make the human feel bad. Pain and suffering are explained by the brain's processes.

    In general, emotions have evolved their complexity because they aided our survival. In modern society, they may not be as useful as they were to our ancestors. I'm not really sure I'm being that clear, read this article for more information:
  20. Ahh no that makes more sense. Thank you.
    And yes, he was stationed there.

    Thank you.
    And thank you for the links!

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