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PA Harrisburg area smokers?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheMunchinPanda, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Just wanted to see how many of you there are in the 717/Harrisburg area?
  2. I'm about half-way in between Harrisburg and Lancaster.
  3. Im a PA smoker, but not from harrisburg. I reside in the poconos
  4. Lehigh Valley here, been to Harrisburg a few times to hit up Dale's Drum shop. About 1.5 hours from me. :)

    ^^ I go up the Poconos a lot as well for skiing, usually Blue Mountain or Big Boulder/Jack Frost (I can get free and/or discount passes at those mountains).
  5. Damn. Guys are far away lol figured there'd be a couple but I guess not :/
  6. [quote name='"TheMunchinPanda"']Damn. Guys are far away lol figured there'd be a couple but I guess not :/[/quote]

    There are other PA smokers threads that are multiple pages. I'm sure you could find somebody in there!
  7. Pittsburghhhh Baby
  8. Dude...just across the state line in Weirton.
  9. [quote name='"8ight"']Lehigh Valley here, been to Harrisburg a few times to hit up Dale's Drum shop. About 1.5 hours from me. :)

    ^^ I go up the Poconos a lot as well for skiing, usually Blue Mountain or Big Boulder/Jack Frost (I can get free and/or discount passes at those mountains).[/quote]

    Do you ski or snowboard?

  10. Why didn't I think of this...:confused:
  11. I'm in Lemoyne, right outside of Harrisburg
  12. Harrisburg suburbs here
  13. Suburbs here
  14. [quote name='"Gnartron"']

    There are other PA smokers threads that are multiple pages. I'm sure you could find somebody in there![/quote]

    Yea. I started one. lol and its pretty big. buttloads of pa smokers.
  15. Not many hburg smokers on here. Pa is just a bad location to be a smoker.
  16. Seriously is, I've been here for almost a year. Can't wait to move back to So. Fla!
  17. [quote name='"MIjbr90190"']Not many hburg smokers on here. Pa is just a bad location to be a smoker.[/quote]

    Not really, there are alot smokers in my area
  18. [quote name='"Jonisbamf"']

    Not really, there are alot smokers in my area[/quote]

    I guess its who you know. I have one other tokin buddy in my group of friends so connections are limited.
  19. i honestly don't have any friends that don't smoke. lol and almost all the people i meet smoke.
  20. [quote name='"MIjbr90190"']

    I guess its who you know. I have one other tokin buddy in my group of friends so connections are limited.[/quote]

    I know it will sound unbelieveable but in my school smokers probably out number the kids who dont smoke

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