Ozone generator advice please

Discussion in 'Security' started by Johnny_Cool, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Hi dudes. Just a quick question:

    Here's my set up: 60 plant SOG in a 4x4 foot area with 400w HPS. It is currently vented by a 500cfm s&p inline going thru a DIY 22-pounds-of carbon scrubber. The scrubber slows down the airflow to more like 100cfm which is still fine for my tiny space.

    Problem is, SOME odour is still noticeable to me. I want to go with an inline UV ozone generator and dump the exhaust outdoors.

    What output of generator will I require to treat 500cfm of air coming from a 4x4 grow space? I can't seem to find any info on how to calculate this. Don't wanna go out 'n' spend 400 notes on some behemoth of a machine when I could get away with a 50 dollar model.

    Thanks so much for any input :smoke:
  2. Allow me to simplify the question:

    Does anyone here use o3 to control odour to good effect?

  3. I was going to until I read it can kill you and your plants :(

  4. 60 plants?!
  5. That's true. But that won't be a problem if the ozone jenny is inside your ducting.
  6. Yeah, it's a tight squeeze. They're packed in like 60 masturbating Japanese men huddled round a schoolgirl.
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  7. Any more for any more?
  8. Ha.

    But yeah, some people only run the ozone generator for a few hours, or like one hr off, one hr on, etc. I don't know if it will help much with the odor, but if odor is all your worried about why not just build another carbon scrubber and be safer?

    http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/557994-carbon-scrubber-step-step.html this is a great one that you can just have in the room itself or have it venting elsewhere.
  9. Dude, way too many plants for one. Even if you start 12/12 at the beginning I dont think it would work. Second, ozone isnt safe to breathe and if your room is inside your living area then its not worth the risk, just get an inline duct fan and attach a carbon canister to it, you can leave it in your area running constantly and it will filter almost all odors completely.

  10. It will be your last problem if the fan stops for some reason. People grow fantastic grows without this, do you really want to take a chance. It sounds like you don't even know how to grow, but want to introduce toxic gases into your house to improve your chances for success. Take it one step at a time and learn to grow and you will see this is not necessary.
  11. #11 Johnny_Cool, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
    I appreciate the fact that some of you took the time to reply, but it seems you are either not understanding the question, or I am somehow not phrasing it correctly.

    The o3 gen. will be inside the duct, towards the end of it with a baffle afterwards to mix the gas with the odour.

    60 plants are absolutely fine in that space as it is a continuous harvest type of deal. Now I'm not looking for advice or comments about my chosen grow style or anything like that. Perhaps I should have left the extra info out to save confusion, but it was necessary to put the question into context. The question being:

    How big of an o3 generator is required to handle the stink from a 400w 4x4 space with a 60 plant continuous harvest set up?

    ^Does anyone know this?
  12. O zone generators can be very effective when used properly, but the risks are far greater and harmful to your health!

    If you are not leaning towards another carbon filter, which it seems as though you are not interested in,

    Have you considered looking into other odor control options, such as a negative ion generator? Those are very effective and much safer for your grow.
  13. I have heard from first hand sources that neg. ion generators are a gimmick. Ozone will present no health risk to the plants, me or anyone else as it will be injected into the duct system AFTER the air has been vented from the grow area. I really don't know how I could be any clearer on this.

    However what I would like to know is: How big of an o3 gen is needed for my sized grow space?

    Thanks again.
  14. some people don't understand when someone have a question they have a question.

    but ozone generators come in sizes of cubic feet right?

    you didn't specify height, but assuming about 10 feet, you only are working with 160 cubic feet, so a very small one should be fine.

    in fact the smallest one i found with a quick amazon search was a 1000 cubic foot model...
  15. Hey biggie, thanks for getting back man. So how many mg/h am I looking for?
  16. #17 biff11, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2011
    I just posted this in another thread, but in the reef aquarium hobby people often use ozone with whats called a protein skimmer to clean their water. The important thing is to use a carbon filter to prevent the ozone from getting into the air. To your point, if the ozone is injected AFTER the plants and prior to the carbon filter this is ideal. Also, you may not need much ozone since its reaching your fliter box/tube then circulating around and your fan would be blowing/drawing it in.

    For a smaller room like that, I wouldn't think you would need much, especially if your injecting it into an air stream. Sorry for non specifics, but start small. I have one of these and it puts out quite a bit of ozone.
  17. #18 blackbeard2012, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2011
    I have an industrial Sonozair thats rated for 125,000 square feet
  18. Have you considered throwing a titanium dioxide coated CFL into your ducting? Or maybe the small addition of some ona gel could be enough to stop your stank. I'm thinking there could be cheaper ways for you to finish the odor-killing job than an ozone generator. I hate to say it (DIY as fuck over here), but maybe even a store-bought carbon scrubber could be the solution.

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