oxycodone question

Discussion in 'General' started by mae, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. A friend of mine has a grip of 325 mg oxycodones and is wondering what to sell them at. Also what should someone take to get high from them. THanks
  2. Now I am going to sound like an ass, and I dont mean to make an example of you, but so many people say this shit and it PISSES me off.

    Look man, thats 325mg's of acetaminophen, NOT oxycodone.

    It should say something like 5mg/325mg oxycodone/acetaminophen meaning oxycodone is 5mg and the acetaminophen (tylonel) is 325mgs.

    So he got "a grip of 5mg oxycodones" not "a grip of 325 mg oxycodones".

    Again, this isn't towards you completely, but as the community as a whole who say they have "500mg vics" or "325mg oxycodones" or "750mg hydrocodones" ect.

    EDIT : Oh shit my nigg, I forgot to tell you the price for them thangs. I get em for $1 a pop, you could prolly get $2.50 to $3 from some square ass *****s though.
  3. yea, they are 5/325. How many should one take to get a nice high
  4. Well bro, that'd depend on your opiate tolerance and whetehr or not you have drank any alcohol tonight, or your on any other medications.

    If you have NO alcohol in your system, and your not taking ANY other drugs (not even anti-depressants) then I'd suggest 5 of them. 25mg
  5. I eat 3 to start feeling it if I have no tolerance. Four or five to get a nod.

    2.50 a piece.
  6. percocets suck, they sell for no more than $2 a pop.
  7. im sorry but im a complete noob when it comes to pills. One more question, im familiar with parachuting them but heard it is shitty to do with oxycodone, is it safe?. Im about to take 20 mg worth, will that fuck me up?
  8. yeah 20 will getcha going pretty damn well

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