
Discussion in 'General' started by HelloFriend, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. so I was on a 3 week smoking session, and now I havent been smoking 3 days and aint planning to smoke anytime soon(I dont even think about it weirdly).... but I have been noticing that I am more analyzing things in my head... for example... I produce music and I just made a new track.... and I was first thinking to call it "the mirror of my soul" , but then I started to think to myself, that: "wait, then I would betray myself to others, by showing to them how my soul looks like.... and if my soul has a mirror, do other souls have a mirror aswell?" I start to think stuff like this from just one thought and I think it could be about any topic.... I def. wasnt thinking like this before the 3 week smoking session :D what should this all mean?
  2. lol come on guys
  3. Nothing wrong with being more analytic. It's probably a good thing.

  4. Yeah , I was actually thinking the same thing, that I cant really say that its a bad thing... perhaps its actually nice / cool in a way... I feel like more enlightened perhaps. :)
  5. I over think everything in life, high or sober.

    I usually get stuck within my thoughts when high but it never goes too deep. when I'm sober though, the thought will be quick but really deep.

    For example.

    Thinking of love. When high my thoughts will be something like *if i had this girl, we would be doing this, what if this happened,what if we got married* when i'm sober my thoughts will be something like *how can i? why would she?

    did that make any sense?

    my point is i always overthink being high or sober just changes a little but the thoughts are always there.

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