Overly sensitive people

Discussion in 'General' started by ringleader2012, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. What's some funny stories about a time someone made a joke that was funny and the persons feelings got hurt that really shouldn't have or they did something that offended someone that really shouldn't have been offensive?

    I read Apollyon1325 say: "I was setting up an account for my mother in law and for one of her security questions I put her favorite place to eat as mcdonalds and she started crying. I was like WTF?!"

    It made me laugh uncontrollably for so long I just have to hear more stuff like this.. mb apoll if u didn't want me to add that.. ill gladly take it down if you'd like but it was hilarious to me so I couldn't resist.
  2. I made a autism joke today smoking with friends and this girl got all butt hurt because i forgot her sister has it, i felt bad and said sorry but she was being a bitch saying a shoulda known better! Lol like forreal bitch im high shit just slipped my mind. :p
  3. I was at work and my co-worker said, "That's tight." I quickly replied, "Tight like a twelve year old." She is a mother to two young girls :/ an A W K W A R D moment and shunning session proceeded.
  4. My sister chewed me out cause I said the movie bruno is too homosexual for me to watch it.
  5. Yeah people need to chill out.
    But............ sometimes its just inappropriate.
    I'm from the middle east and my friends'll crack a terrorist joke sometimes and i'll laugh. I crack a few myself. But I've told em that if they made a joke like that while I was high, i'd punch em right in the face.
  6. African American english teacher, first day of school...she was trying to be funny by being very obvious and naive to the class by randomly pointing things out...everybody was getting annoyed as sh*t....so then she pointed to the chalkboard and said, "see this chalkboard? it is long and black."

    So like out of reflex I muttered, "like a welfare line?" but I said it too loud and she heard me. Everybody laughed and bam three day suspension

    some teachers just cant take a friendly jab.
  7. #7 ParaBolTOOL, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
    One time on a career course, there was 8 of us in the class and I was sitting right beside my buddy and we all started talking about god, heaven and hell and all that shit and started on how stupid people have to be to believe in god and my buddy got offended by it. Understandable, but the worst part was when he said he didnt believe in dinosaurs but that he believed in dragons. We ragged on him hard core for the things he believed in, it was funny as hell though but he got really upset by it.

    Everyone has something that makes them tick, theres people that are overly sensitive but whats worse are people that are overly insensitive, people need to think more before they speak. Needless to say I apologized to my friend afterwards for laughing at him but... he makes it too easy. I also made him explain his dinosaur/dragon theory one other time to help boost moral and everyone got a good laugh, I apologized again afterwards.

    EDIT: One time I was sitting on a bus with a friend and was watching a red head walk by and he was a freaky looking red head, and I said "it would be weird to be a ginger sometimes" and a voice came from behind me "uuh, actually no it isnt" I had an "oh shit" moment cause he was a red head, I said sorry but then his friend called me a bitch lol
  8. [quote name='"Prism Tino"']African American english teacher, first day of school...she was trying to be funny by being very obvious and naive to the class by randomly pointing things out...everybody was getting annoyed as sh*t....so then she pointed to the chalkboard and said, "see this chalkboard? it is long and black."

    So like out of reflex I muttered, "like a welfare line?" but I said it too loud and she heard me. Everybody laughed and bam three day suspension

    some teachers just cant take a friendly jab.[/quote]

    Hahaha That's great!

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