overheating problems with lights....

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sopergreg, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Ok now i tried growin indoors in a small woodenbox 1.5foot high, 1foot wide & depth.

    it was goin great with a halogen desk lamp, but the heat it produced made the soil humid and then killed off the sprouts

    i did make a ventalation system that seemed to work......seemed to work

    then the plants failed

    Question: cheap way to keep the humidity down, needs to be cheap!!!!:eek:

    cheers guys, please dont write stuff like "you should have done ur research" over and over and call me a idiot, im not gonna search every single page on the internet to figure out myself...anyways

    cheers :hello:
  2. lose the Halogen.you can't grow anything with it.CFl's are your best bet. 100 actual watts for the first plant 50watts for every one after that. also you need intake and exuast fans.hate to say it but if you wanna grow you've got to research it.best o luck
  3. the last thing i wanna do is knock a fellow englishman, but you NEED to read up mate, if ya did you'd know a halogen wudnt work, if cost/space is an issue then dubones 100% correct, if not then go HID. you wont ave ta research the whole web, EVERYTHING you need is rite ere at GC, in the stickies! good luck mate, ave a lil readup then ask wat ur unsure about, then crack on and start growing!!! ;)
  4. Get a couple t8 flourscent or even better t5, I veg with these and they work great plus they produce little heat and are better for utlity bill. Also you can keep lights couple inches from plants and will not burn plants. You can get from any store, you can even flower with them if you switch out to 30k bulbs. Of course HPS is probably better for flowering, but hard to do in little space.

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