Okay, so wtf? How is it even possible to over water MJ when planting in SOIL? Doesn't make any sense to me. How can u give a plant too much water and mess up the growth in soil, but on the other hand completely submerge the roots of the plants in water and harvest with the best of them using Hydro? Maybe a couple googles would've given me the answer, but fuck that.
from my understanding of what I have read and with a little experience in hydroponics with tomatos and peppers, the difference is with hydroponics the roots are not sitting in water all day, therefore you advoid root rot and plus with the grow med. and the nutrients the hydro systems is suppose to deliever close to pure nutrients and food to the plant which they gobble up in the short time and the plants don't sit in the water all day. With soil it expands with the water, plus if you have half ass drainage you can easily over water something, so therefore the plant is sitting in water drowing and root rotting I.E. I use a very basic ebb n flwo system, 55 gal. resivour I have 12 pots hook to it and a pump that fills em, basically my pots are on 15 minute timers so it will fill them up fo rthat time then it drains rather quickly, mine drains in under 5 minutes, you dont just leave the plant sitting in still water I believe that is the main difference. (plus they fill only a few times a day). If you think that they plant just sits in water all day that is just a misconception people have of hydroponics. consitant movement and circulation is key to it.Hoep that answered your question
ya now go rush out and buy the most over priced system you can find lol. One thing holds true a plant is a plant, tomatos, weed it all has roots and needs certain things, so I'm pretty sure anything I mentioned would hold true to pot as well.
well if you are not familar with hydroponics some people would wonder why you could kill a plant from to much water in soil an dnot in a hydro setup. See some people may think that the plant actual grows in just water I can see how this misconception could draw you to ask such a question
True but less likely especially if you use something like ebb n flow with a timer or something along those lines. and if you can read you'll know how much to put in lol.. Ever try aeroponics?
you can over water in hydro, but it has nothing to do with the amount of nutes. in your res. the reason you think you can't overwater with hydro is because almost every hydro system ever made (by a company or yourself) uses an air pump and air stone. so when your constantly pumping fresh air into the root zone, its all good. think of it like this.... even when someone has drooping leaves or any effects of "overwatering" that is just what people call it, but the real problem is lack of oxygen to the roots, in soil, if you put too much water in it, there is no way to get oxygen to the roots. but in hydro as with a DWC system (the simplest kind) its just a bucket of water, and yes the roots ARE fully submerged in water, but when you have the airstone pumping in air all the air bubbles pop and release the oxygen as well as diffuse some of it into the water itself, so the plants can use it, with soil, that wouldn't work.
there is no such thing as over watering in a hydro system me owning 2 systems totaling $2200 the plants roots grow differently they create there own speacial root protection to stop root rot and the systems are usually put on timers to let the medium dry out for a few hours
Balla has got it really: If you overwater soil, as well as causing other problems, the roots will not get enough oxygen and will rot in sludge. With my hydro set up I use hydroton which dries out ultra fast, so the roots get flooded for the timed periods, but they still get loads of air.
if you flood a ebb & flow too many times a day you can over water....the medeum needs to oxygenate between floods... usualy between 3 and 6 times a day for most growers...
eb'n flow is all fine and dandy. but DWC is far superior IMO! my roots are totaly submerged in water for the plants entire life. the nutes and water they need are always RIGHT there, the 2" buble disk i have sitting below the roots provides the needed air (airates the water) the water has a very high "air" content thats why there's no root rot or "over watering" now if my air pump(s) fail (thats why i have multi pumps) then i'll "over water" my plants