ok she's about 4weeks old in a waterfarm hydro system....she is waterd 24/7 with just expanded clay.... under 250watt MH and she is drooping/wilting...is she being watering to much or to little? btw the roots have growin down to the resivor does this mater or not?
You water it 24/7, what? Dropping is mainly caused my over watering but can also be caused by not enough light...
i dont think theres any way possible your root system is not rotted out by now.... You supposed to water it only when needed, like once every 3 days...
Recently, I don't think I have read a single post on here were the dude working at the hydro store actually gave good growing advice.
waterfarms are hydro systems right? .... so the roots are in water 24/7 right? .... so they're watered 24/7 right? You have the air pump going? .... are you maintaining the proper water level? ... what is your nute level in there? ... if i remember correctly, it should be between 600 and 900ppm have you visited the hydro forum?
yes waterfarm is hydro yes pump is running ...water got a tad bit low for a day or two and the nute level is what it says on the bottle(s) ...what hydo forum?
HIGH All, ^^^^^ Are the plants in WR? Your watering 24/7 and the roots are Also in the solution? Sounds like your drowing them...if roots are in the water(solution) I wouldn't have it on 24/7..try cutting it down a bit...like maybe on for half that time and see if they perk up.