it was over the whole week the hydros are how i kicked it off, the drink is how i finished it. dont worry i make sure i dont drink when im hydrod up, thanks for lookin out though im 19 and have done harder things than seen here. also there is nothing wrong with drugs im responsible enough not to kill myself
you're a very pretty girl....JK had to make a hair joke haha but looks like you had fun with all that shit... were you on break or something?
nah the hydros were a last minute decision and a fun ass night, tuesday was my best friends birthday so thats where the 7 gram blunt comes in and the bacardi was just a friday night
yes but the possibility of no after life and no consciousness after death means there is a possibility of it not mattering,
Here this guy goes, skeletor don't listen to this nonsense. In the last week I've been all + + And I still go to work and pay bills and act like a friggin american ZOMBIE as far as the rest of the world knows. If only people knew....
MMMMMMM! love me some white girl dont worry i didnt listen to them, what ive been doing has been working for me