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Outreach to Old Folks?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by tharedhead, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. Being an Old Folk I think this is an excellent idea but do not know if that is a good choice of movie?:confused:

    The Silver Tour | Teaching Seniors the Benefits of Medical Marijuana

  2. [ame=]Old Folks Home - The Whitest Kids U'Know on IFC - YouTube[/ame]
  3. I wish it was possible to outreach to seniors but I'm afraid it isn't. Unfortunately, old people trust the government. The government is who turned them against cannabis in the first place, and they continue to cry out against it. As long as this is the case we will always be dirty people to them on par with the dingiest of crack heads.
  4. [quote name='"travilanche"']I wish it was possible to outreach to seniors but I'm afraid it isn't. Unfortunately, old people trust the government. The government is who turned them against cannabis in the first place, and they continue to cry out against it. As long as this is the case we will always be dirty people to them on par with the dingiest of crack heads.[/quote]

    The religious right has very powerful tentacles on our lawmakers in Congress. I believe in creating an open dialogue with all ages. Try to make a conversation with someone you know in the older generation and ask them if they know about marijuana and its medical benefits. This segment of our population is the swing vote we need to counteract the religious zealots who want to legislate our morality much like the days of the Puritan times. The day is coming for marijuana to be made a non-sceduled substance and a states rights issue. Then local action can be taken to mobilize the state lobbies we need to get the right to smoke the healing herb as we wish, freely and openly.
  5. If only they could experience first hand how well it works for arthritis, the product would sell itself....:D

  6. EH? What's that you say, sonny.....ioi
  7. #7 pure mich, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
    [quote name='"travilanche"']I wish it was possible to outreach to seniors but I'm afraid it isn't. Unfortunately, old people trust the government. The government is who turned them against cannabis in the first place, and they continue to cry out against it. As long as this is the case we will always be dirty people to them on par with the dingiest of crack heads.[/quote]

    No true bro,
    Our compassion club used to go pack food boxes for seniors at the local senior center. I regularly handed out copies of Grannys list to older folks sitting around while we were working. You wouldn't believe some of the conversations this started. It just takes a little more work and some extra documentation with the old folks.

    PS. Once you convert one(a senior) they go to the weekly pinochle tournament and convert more for you.
  8. AGE BIAS ALERT! :mad:

    I'm 60 myself and why in the hell do you think older people trust the government? The largest growning canabis using group is older folks. We all smoked it when we were young, and now that it is legal in someplace, we are sure as hell taking advantage of it.

    One of the bud tenders in the dispensary I go to is older than I am!
  9. Yep^

    I think the generation that would benefit MOST from cannabis use is older people. The barrage of medication doctors prescribe could easily be replaced by marijuana.

    A lot of them already like gardening too...
  10. Yeah, I've been on 52 trips around the sun and while I don't feel old, many people here would consider me so and I can tell you that my distrust of the government has never been greater. I also started smoking at 50 again after about a 35 year t break. So don't think that us "old" folks who are involved in the political process are all part of the anti-cannabis group. My guess is that the over 50 crowd has as many or more cannabis users as does the under 20 demographic and we vote more consistently.

  11. I was referring more to the 80 and up crowd. My grandma is now 93. 20 years ago when I was a young boy, I was REALLY into dinosaurs and amassed quite a knowledge. She would babysit me from time to time and I would talk about how cool this dinosaur was or that one was, and tell her where it lived and how long ago. She would tell me stuff like "that's not true. Dinosaurs never existed, their bones were just put in the ground by God to confuse people." That never made any sense to me, but I find that at least where I'm from, most people in that age bracket tend to think that way. And if the president says it, it is fucking true. They're just not open to logic or reasoning, or to other peoples opinions.
  12. My Dad, who would be pushing 90 this year, smoked reefer during WWII. Always said it was harmless.:) But he voted for Goldwater.

  13. Well, I understand what you are saying. I have an older friend who is on my Board of Directors that is that way, drives me nuts.

    Then, I've met folks older than him that had their heads in the right place. I think the real answer, whether your old or young, is to fight against complacency and always seek truth. ;)
  14. Well, not to dis on your grandma, but even when I was involved in fundamentalist christianity, I always thought that those folks who believed that the universe is only 6000 years old were nuts.

    Yes, that age group probably does have fewer cannabis savvy folks and they may tend to be more conservative (hell, in some issues I am politically conservative too) but there are plenty of seniors who do use and many more who are still active minded and able to learn and change their viewpoints with new information just like anyone else.
  15. lol, man dis on her all you want. That sort or thick headedness is ridiculous. How anyone can think that way is far beyond my capacity to understand.

    I'm sure it's possible, but I've never met someone in that age range that didn't believe every word the president tells them. Whether they voted for him or not. They never had the information resources that the younger generations grew up with. Fortunately they won't be voting for much longer.
  16. [quote name='"travilanche"']I wish it was possible to outreach to seniors but I'm afraid it isn't. Unfortunately, old people trust the government. The government is who turned them against cannabis in the first place, and they continue to cry out against it. As long as this is the case we will always be dirty people to them on par with the dingiest of crack heads.[/quote]

    They hate the government they are getting hit the worst. All the social security Medicare an other programs are getting cut back big time.
  17. Even if they do hate the government they tend to trust what they tell them. And the government says Cannabis (or the pejorative term "marijuana" that they use) is bad for your health, leads to heroine, will make white girls have sex with black guys, and gives money to terrorists.

  18. You forget though that the elderly listen to their doctors better than they do the government. And its our place to educate the elderly of the medical benefits of Cannabis. And if they see that it is doctor recommended then they may be more apt to listen. Not to say that all will or that all won't, and that many already do use Cannabis as already been stated. So its up to us to fill in the gaps. We need all the help we can get in the effort of legalization and having the elderly vote gets it then I'm all for it.
  19. We have to remember just because someone is old that doesn't necessarily make them ignorant. Most of the really old folks have kids in their 50s or 60s. And, trust me they have seen their kids get high with numerous substances and they know what has caused them problems[pills, alcohol] and what hasn't[weed]. You would be surprised at the things most of them have done, and they aren't as gullible and closed minded as a lot of young people. I, personally, have smoked since 1966 and I am 61 now. Keep an open mind, you will be "old" someday too...
  20. I am actually becoming quite amused at the posters on this thread, and I am assuming the majority of them are under 25, that state with great authority - 'who old folk trust, or listen to, etc."

    Stereotyping will never get you to the truth. In doing so you become that which you judge.

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