Whats up guys, My plants are gettin big, bout a foot almost, and the roots are definately poking through the bottom of the peat moss cups. The weather will be windy in the next few days and Im not sure if I should transplant, IDK whats too strong of winds for plants. Today wind should only be up to 5-8 mph, but Wednesday could be 15 and raining all week. Suggestions???
wind is good man i had a plant outside in a bucket and after like 2 weeks the stem was thick ass hell from the wind. but if u got worries then use bamboo stakes. or just a stick to help support the plant
The tying a stick method works very well especially with young plants. The wind will make your plant much stronger and more durable for later storms and severe weather. Make it be as a form of training to the plant. =))
sounds great to me guys, I just didnt want the plant to become dependent(idk if thats possible) The cool weather also freaks me out a bit but ive read as long as it doesnt frost im good