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Outdoor Trainwreck

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Dankifyer, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Got a nick of this new shit my guy had. It was home grown outdoor Trainwreck. Picked the biggest nug out of the bunch. Weighed about 4 grams. Dense, whispy nugs, but fluffy at the same time. Sticky, crystallized, and few but dark brick red hairs. Smells like strong lemon, pine, skunk, and fuel. Like Sour Diesel, but alot more piney and spicy. Burns fairly quickly. Smoke is smooth, but strongly irritates the throat and lungs, but not in a coughy way. Strong spicy fruit and lemon taste on the exhale. Hits you in the face automatically, visual and audio enhancement. Energetic and yet stoney. Has a very uplifting, floating body buzz. Tingly all over. Easily panic attack inducing for the inexperienced. Here is the pic of the nug:
  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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