outdoor to indoor?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by socratis420, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. The weather here is really shitty and my crop isnt going no where. i started at the begining of may and it was chill until it got to september now its been budding for a while and i cant get the hairs to turn a rusty color so i was wondering if i can bring it inside jsut to finish the plant and crop it. Or will it go to shock and i wont be able to even get high? just wanted to know what kind of light i need to get this thing inside to get it done with already im anxious thanks
  2. the highest it gets is like 14 degrees celcius no sun just cloudy. I was thinking of putting the light into the shed
  3. no frost just yet last night i saw some kinda frost on top of the houses and sheds.
  4. was wondering this same thing my 3 babys got few more weeks atleast the two sativa and the indica be ready in week or so but no sun in sight ! so i was wondering if put in room for a week with lights and everything and used bug bomber organic shit twice in that week to get rid of any bugs or anything if that would work
  5. what temp is too cold?

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