Outdoor Soil??? Help Please:)?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Hemp growp, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Hello guys so I had to transplant from 1 gallon pot to a 5 gallon bucket with drainage, and I used straight up black earth topsoil with Loam and Humus and I added like 20~30% perlite but I need your guys personal experience. I'm putting this 1ft 1/2 outdoors hoping for better yeild, it started going outside like 6 days ago but there was rain yesterday so I took it inside, I have a spot that gets direct sunlight 13-14 hours a day and the days are longer now, so I need your advice, this plants about 1 month old and I need to know of this plant will pull through with this soil and get a big yeild.. Thank you , and I've decided to show you guys before and after picture for my plant the first one is week 3 and the 2nd picture is the 4th week p.s I've had noticed some pretty crazy node growth from transplanting on every node does this mean it's outta vegg already? From putting outside?? Plz help:) and thank you https://twitter.com/krunkly/status/479711483052687361 http://twitter.com/KrunKLy/status/482673915794587648/photo/1
  2. dig a big ass hole and mix your top soil in with the dirt as you backfill in and plant. 

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