Outdoor questions

Discussion in 'Security' started by IchBinBekifft, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. I'm going to be growing next season out in the middle of nowhere(my first time). I've shown the person who is going to help me only, where it is. Otherwise no one knows the location.

    Is it bad to mention to very trustable people that i have interest in growing?
    i already told some people, but i have told every single person i was not going to pull through for safety reasons.

    How often, if ever, do police or law enforcement(or teenagers?) go through thickly wooded areas?

    Could most people spot a marijuana plant if it's near other plants that are the same height and similar looking leaves? or by forest ferns and such

    How can i find out my cities sewer maintenance schedules? if i can

    also non related question

    How far away from a creek can a plant be and still receive the benefits of it?
    If it's within like 5 feet, will i need to water it as often or less?

    and how well will my plants do in the forest? is that an acceptable location for the plants? or do they not cope as well
  2. If you tell even one person then you are compromised. All it takes is that person to tell someone, who tells someone....it's out of your control.
  3. yeah. i have to try harder to untell people i guess
  4. My point is precisely that you cannot "untell" people. You cannot un-ring a bell either. DO NOT TELL, then you don't have to worry about untelling.
  5. just a side bar... do not "untell" the people you told. This will only make things worse. Imagine you are smoking a joint with a few friends and you say "man I think I'm going to try growing"... then don't say anything....EVER. On the off chance your stoner frinds actually remember that you said something, if actually interested will most likely ask "hey you ever start growing"... at this point you can laugh it off as another "pot head idea than you never did anything about." and everyone moves on. (I'm assuming you aren't dumb enough to tell someone that doesn't smoke that you want to grow).

    now lets play this scenario, as I'm imagining "untelling" works. "yeah remember that growing thing I mentioned"... "uhh yeah sort of, whats up?".... "oh nothing I just wanted to say there was nothing to it. I'm not growing".

    point is, don't mention it again and let it fizzle on it's own. If asked about it, then deny. If the people you told, you told great detail of locations, equipment, etc. Still go with the "interest changed" story. Just think about growing being any other gossip. untelling usually has the opposite effect desired.

    disclosure, I'm not a grower, just lurking and making a life observation.
  6. "You have the right to remain silent."..............

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