Outdoor, In Ft. Worth, Tx.. Plz Diagnos

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by leodicapario, May 29, 2013.

  1. It appears to be some sort of nute deficiency with the bottom leaves yellowing... bought some AFF (fish fert 5-1-1) and applied last night approx 24 hours ago 1 tbs. to 1 gal of rain water... waterd half and half of the gallon on 2 different plants... umm any idea whats havin my plants for dinner? didnt see any webs for spider mites but something is def eating them.. they are about 1.5 months old just put them in the ground about a week ago all outdoors from seedlings.. any and all replys will be appreciated cuz i unno :confused_2:.


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  2. well i just mixed a 2% dish soap solution(biodegradable/contains no phosphors).. (3 tsp to 1.5 pints water) sprayed once over tops, bottoms, and stem all sides... guess ill see how it goes and repost..
  3. Man, they are getting ate up. Prolly caterpillars or beetles. I've got neem oil and "natria insect, disease & mite control". So far it works. I use the neem on spider mites and if I get any powdery mildew. The other, I'd use for larger pests. It's ok for veggies, but I wouldn't use too far into flower. ($7-8 at Home Depot) Hope this helps.
  4. Thanks for the reply!! one my 5 points middle leaf got ate the fuck up like half an inch off i didnt post that pic i chalked it up to caterpillars or some sort of caterpiller/grub... its these little spots and the yellowing im really wondering about. the spots arent holes they just look like a spider mite sucked on it, but i examined closely with magnifier didnt see anything moving/webs/eggs.. ive never grown outside i just moved back in wit the parents and they wont allow me to indoor grow.. bummer. its a whole other level outdoors!! Hell if i dont get good enough quality outdoors i shall just cook wit it not a problem to me. def going for sin semilla tho!!
  5. how do you prepare/apply the neem oil? i mean what do you ususally do..
  6. Hey, I've heard that applying neem oil opens up pores or something for better nute intake. So, you may want to hit em with neem as a precaution. I don't think it will hurt. ( don't quote me on the pores, I can't remember my source on that. I think it was grow420guide on YouTube. One of his medicating Monday vids but I'm not sure)
  7. Just spray tops and and underside at sun down. Other wise the oil can burn leaves.
  8. haha i wont quote u.. but yes ill prob see how this 2% dish soap solution works.. just to test it.. i mean these are test plants(first ive grown outdoors) so why not... tis a very healthy plant other than the few leaves i posted pics of... here are some of the entire plant...

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  9. A couple of day time pix would be nice?
  10. yes of course.

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  11. My other plant here.

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  12. Mighty fine.
  13. thank you.. im really not too worried about the few spots/ yellowing of the bottom leaves.. the new growth looks "mighty fine" as you said.. but just wondering if anyone knew why 2-3 lower leaves are yellowing/ falling off.. maybe theyre job is done and the bigger leaves are doin work??... i do fert with alaska fish fert 5-1-1 plus epsom salt once every 3 weeks... idk.. anyhow i have 10 plants total, all outdoors.. the other 8 only have the first 3 points started so im really not worried about losing a plant or 2.. it is from bagseed from my friends becuz the weed i buy is ALWAYS seedless... some pretty good quality shit too.. ill post a few pics to show if u really wanna see.. TEXAS BABY YEAH!! lol.
  14. also i check my soil's ph regularly.. it reads at 7.. dnt worry i am going to get some sulfur to gradually lower it a bit.. but definately will use small amounts and check ph over a period of weeks directly before adding more.. there is a saying "you can always add more, but cant take away what you already mixed" :cool:  happy growing my friend and thanks for the feedback.
  15. They look to me like maybe they could us just a bit more fertilizer, but be easy, don't over do it.

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