Outdoor Growing Idea, Advice Please

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by NorCalTemp, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone, so i guess i can start off saying im a daily weed smoker but first time grower.
    I've never grown and plan on asking lots of questions but for now im just curious about what you guys think about my idea.
    Im in High School and was planning on growing somewhere outdoors. I live in Northern California where there are a TON of hills and mountains. Me and a good friend of mine were planning on starting to grow outside. We would start the seedlings inside and slowly adjust them to the outdoor enviroment through a week and a half process but i really care about your guys idea on my placement.

    Im going tomorrow to look around for some spots we would consider.

    They would be
    -In the wild (not within 200 yards of any public place)
    -Inaccessible to public (Cliff, Hill, etc)
    -Not near any path or popular area

    The soil around here is amazing and everything. Just wondering what you guys thought about my idea.

    My Concerns:
    -How often do i visit my crop?
    -How long does the growing to selling process take?
    -Weather issues

    Thanks everyone, i look forward to seeing what all of you more experienced growers have to say.

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