Hey whats up guys.. So im about 2 months into veg and 2 of my plants are showing signs of sone sort of deficiency. Im growing in ground mixed with ffof the soil here in ground is kund of sandy. It gets about 96-105 degrees during summer avg. Is about 101. So It starts about up mid way on the plant and begins with the leaf tip or from the leaf tip and goes inwards on from the leaf tip. Leaf tips or between leaves turn yellow then brown. Its slowly starting to go through out my whole plant. Now my other plant is starting to do it. I was using genral organics go box nutes but i stopped feeding because of possible nute lock out. I watered the shit out of them the last 2 days on my next feed with my other plants im going to fert them as well. I have other plants that are fine its just this one and now the one next to it is starting to show the same signs. The soil ph according to my ph probe is right about 7. I water with garden pure carbon activated water filter connected to water hose. Any ideas or help would be muchly appreciated. Its only two out of my 12. Thanks for all. The pictures are of my worst plant. Please help! Lol. Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
^ You posted this in the Organic Section. You should try re-posting this in the Outdoor section or Sick Plants and Problems where other people used Bottled Nutrients. https://forum.grasscity.com/forums/outdoor-marijuana-growing.604/ https://forum.grasscity.com/forums/sick-plants-and-problems.610/
I haven't i was spraying them with neem oil. If it was broad mites wouldn't the leaves be folding up. It's more of a chlorosis prob. So i kinda figure it may be a deficiency of some sort. Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
russet mites make them look like heat damage ..Plus they are getting too hot which makes them multiply like hell .get a microscope and check out the undersides. they are Hard to spot so look on you tube for the video on them .. see the part where the damage looks like heat stress?! Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Checked over 20 leaves no russet mites. I youtubed to see what i would be looking for found nothing.. Could ot be cal/mag/iron/zinc? Any of those or all of those? I just fed it today some CaliMagic hopefully it kicks out of this soon Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
lucky you...if russet broad mites ARE ruled out then the shiny look is over fertilizing....before you go juicing it up ...flush it well...with weak solution ..make sure the runoff ph Is on range and wait to see...for sure it's something wrong there....it should be good within 4 days of the right fix GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
looking at the pics again ...I know heat is an issue and the leaves do resemble heat stress....but I have no idea why it's isolated on that one plant and didn't effect everyone..... só...I dunno ...this pic below looks like potassium deficiency. but it's actually light burn...which mimics nute problems.....your temp is way too hot...try shading them when it's 100 out there....that can't be good evening for matanuska mountain cannabis or afghani desert strains .....even they can't stand 100 GFP GOOD LUCK Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Ive grown the past few years never had a major problem/nute deficiency.. This week its gonna be about 100+.. This has been going on a little over a month now. So its a slow process which makes me believe its either the strain thats being difficult or cal/mag def. If it was ph problem I'd think by know the entire plant + the rest of my grow would have some kind of the same symptoms. I watered the hell out of them past few days to flush if nute lock out was present. Hit them today with a small dose of calimagic. Tomorrow ill hit them with tiger bloom 1/2 of what it calls for since it contains cal/mag/iron/boron etc etc. Hopefully it snaps out of this soon...... Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
if there is no bugs ...and you've checked thoroughly...and the ph at runoff is correct , along with the ec...then that leaves one thing ...HEAT stress concentrated on that one area... THE symptoms match heat stress..more so a HOT spot ..maybe the sun reflecting off of something? causing concentrated light and heat only on that plant or area...?? GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
60X won't show them. This is from sad experience. RD is right, you need 100X or better to scope them out.
You could do a top dress with some Ironite which would cover everything you mentioned, but get the original formula not the hopped up version. The mild formula has Fe at like 4.5%, hopped up is Fe 20%. For trace and minerals you just need some, not a bunch and there is no need to blast them. Looking at those pics I really see no evidence of broad mites. The new leaves get really deformed, while the older ones look fine. Like you passed a blow torch over the growing tips enough to make them shrivel and crinkle up. IDK about russet mites, didn't have them. Broad mite saliva is toxic and that's what causes the deformity. I thought it was a soil problem since I never saw a bug.
To check i use one of those ph meter probe things you stick on the soil in the ground. How would i check the "run off" if its in the ground? Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
well you can buy a soil kit and follow the instructions carefully and check the ph of the soil that way... really if it's in the ground you can't really get a sample from the bottom of the roots where the runoff would be...SO... Before planting you would have had to pre prep the hole in the ground( dig a hole in the ground) fill it with your soil... that wasn't done ...SO...get the soil kit ...take the ph of the soil like 3 to 5 inches down in there...and THEN compensate the feed going in with the right ph number...as if to average the 2 numbers ex: the soil says it's 6.0 and you want 6.5 so pour in 7.0 water landing you at or around (hopefully) 6.5 ...you'll need to get a REAL ph pen and a real ec pen to do it with accuracy......good luck man...let us know.. GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
note ...: get rid of the ph soil probe thing...it's lying to you..it always is off ..and highly unrecommended for cannabis as cannabis needs to be more exact...those probes told me once like in 1998 that the soil was WAY low like 4.0 when I tested later that week the real test read 5.5 which was still off for soil but damn not that far ... GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Okay thanks ghostface! What would be an ideal ph meter? Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I use Milwaukee ec pen...and ph pen ...blue lab makes a decent one so does truncheon. for like 10 dollars you can get the liquid test kit made by general hydroponics...it works "good enough" but not recommended as a permanent thing. GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Okay update on my plants.. I up the dose on the bio thrive and cal mag and fed ot some tiger bloom. The color somewhat came back on the leaves from the fading out. And on some parts of the leaf where the chlorosis started the leaf is turning a redish purple look at pic. Not all of them are like that only some. I also noticed some purple stems on the leaves. What is my problem now. Lol. Thanks for help i highly appreciate it! Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app