Outdoor Grow Op

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by BeginnerGrowOp, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. So my town is pretty much dry right now, and i was planning on getting some seeds and starting to grow outdoors so that this summer i have plenty of weed to smoke and maybe even make a little money on the side. i found a place deep in the woods to grow it, and i can water it twice a day. my questions are:

    1) Is it okay to just put the seeds in the ground after i wet them to get the roots growing?

    2) Will using regular fertilizer and soil result in significantly lower THC content or lower total yields.

    3) Can i simply dry my harvested weed in an oven right after I pick it? Or will this reduce THC content?

    and also please don't tell me "just grow indoors" that isn't an option.
  2. #2 tplat, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011

    For my outside grow I start them inside atleast a month or so before going in the ground outside, if you cant really veg them inside for that long atleast try to get them a short veg start to about 4-6 inches tall before planting outside so they will have a better chance of survivng. As for using the natural dirt if you have good soil I would amend it with some perlite and a few other things if it isnt good dirt for growing then I would go with some good potting mix like Fox Farms or some of the other brands more geared towards growing marijuana. For drying there really is no quick dry method that doesnt reduce the quality or THC content.
  3. i dont have experience growing outdoors but im in the same situation that you are in and will be growing this summer outside too, i would recomend looking into the best fertilizer mixes and trying to match that as best you can

    and i dont think u need to water twice a day, maybe twice a week depending how dry your weather is

    what you could try doing is getting your hands on a humidity dome and starting the seeds off in small containers in there, they will still get the necessary light they need with the added humidity that seedlings strive for, this will also decrease the amount of stress put on the plant when transplanting because the light cycle wont change

    if you dont want to water all the time look into a gravity drip system, i am going to attempt to make my own this summer

    good luck and happy growing !

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