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Outdoor Grow Op

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BeginnerGrowOp, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. So my town is pretty much dry right now, and i was planning on getting some seeds and starting to grow outdoors so that this summer i have plenty of weed to smoke and maybe even make a little money on the side. i found a place deep in the woods to grow it, and i can water it twice a day. my questions are:

    1) Is it okay to just put the seeds in the ground after i wet them to get the roots growing?

    2) Will using regular fertilizer and soil result in significantly lower THC content or lower total yields.

    3) Can i simply dry my harvested weed in an oven right after I pick it? Or will this reduce THC content?

    and also please don't tell me "just grow indoors" that isn't an option.
  2. Sounds kinda risky if you have nosy neighbors...
  3. oh shit thanks didn't even notice it

  4. i'm going to assume from a separate en devour? ;) (talk of dealing not allowed here)
  5. Hey man no offense but judging from your post you have no idea what the process of growing actually is like and that makes me seriously doubt the security of your spot, I HIGHLY recommend spending a LONG while reading about and researching guerilla growing and then consider long and hard the risks and rewards and how much effort you will be investing in this project. Good luck...

  6. i would tend to agree with this poster as well
  7. thought this forum was going to be informative...
  8. You're gonna need to put a lot of work in it, a lot.. Don't just wet the soil and plant some seeds, first the soil needs too be tilled, and tilled deep. Then you're gonna want some good nutritious soil in that hole, the soil at the spot probably isn't decent enough. If it is a woody area, be aware of all the trees casting shade. Wildlife too could kill your plants, be aware of that, lay down wire around your grows. Each plant needs a big hole (3ftx3ft3ft) full of nutritious soil, Then there is still quite the chance quite a bit of the plants will be male, those need to be pulled right away.
  9. Sounds like you need to read up a lot on growing. You need to germinate the seeds before putting them in the soil, and don't water them twice a day (more like once every 3 days). There are some pricey soils and fertilizers out there, but you'll be fine with some potting soil (without added nutes) and some fertilizer with the proper NPK levels. Also, don't dry it in the oven; your quality of bud will be significantly lowered, and you might as well dry and cure it properly if you waited all that time to grow it.
  10. Hey dummies the question was asked over two years ago. Quit reviving old shit threads please.

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