Hey whats up guys.. So im about 2 months into veg and 2 of my plants are showing signs of sone sort of deficiency. It starts about up mid way on the plant and begins with the leaf tip or from the leaf tip and goes inwards on from the leaf tip. Leaf tips or between leaves turn yellow then brown. Its slowly starting to go through out my whole plant. Now my other plant is starting to do it. I was using genral organics go box nutes but i stopped feeding because of possible nute lock out. I watered the shit out of them the last 2 days on my next feed with my other plants im going to fert them as well. I have other plants that are fine its just this one and now the one next to it is starting to show the same signs. The soil ph according to my ph probe is right about 7. I water with garden pure carbon activated water filter connected to water hose. Any ideas or help would be muchly appreciated. Its only two out of my 12. Thanks for all. The pictures are of my worst plant. Please help! Lol. TIA! Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
from this guide looks like light burn, I know out door but.... Diagnose Sick Cannabis Plants | Marijuana Nutrient Problems & Symptoms by Picture | Grow Weed Easy
Thanks man. Im looking for all opinions since its been about a month and still cant figure it out Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
If I may, the one plant (first one) looks like it is in between the other two or three there. Like it just doesn't have enough room? I know you probably planned that so it would have the room but those plants are bushing pretty good which means their roots are reaching too. I can't tell where the second plant is. It's just something to consider. ️
Flutterbbye thats a close up but its all one plant. Its gg4 clone. Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
The firs pic was a pic of my grow.. They all have their own area ti grow so there pretty far apart the root zone anyways. Root bases from clones don't get as big as a seed. Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
So how would i go about fixing my prob. I have calmag.i feed them about 3 gallons of water. Should i put full strength that calmag asks for? I also have tiger bloom from last grow which has cal mag zinc iron copper etc. Should i use calmag with tiger bloom on the full strength that each calls for? Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Hey there Calioutdoor, did you get things figured out with your plants? I visited a friend who was having similar issues with his outdoor plants & was doing a search tonight to see if I could help him out. Some of your pics look similar to his plants issues. I was gonna suggest you maybe try epsom salts if you think its a magnesium issue, they are pretty inexpensive etc. Hope you got it worked out!
Yea for the most part i just gavr it hla higher dose of nutes a liitle more calimagic and it seemed to slow it down. Majority of my plants are licking into flower. Now it's time to battle the caterpillars Sent from my LG-H634 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Okay, I thought maybe the little bit of yellow in the center of them was the separate plant with the def that you were asking about. It's been a while so I don't recall why I thought that. Just maybe that I assumed. My teacher taught better than that. Have you thought of using diatomaceous earth food grade for the caterpillars? I'd be curious to know how well it works. ️️