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Outdoor grow going well but....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by boston85, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Got a few strange worm like sports on some of a leaf here and there and a little yellow.

    Some background

    Has been growing in Veg for about 3 months
    Outdoor in FLA, getting lots of rain, but she seems to like it a lot
    Been feeding it Miracle grow plant food and she has been loving it until the last 2 weeks
    is it a PH issue? Or lack of nutes in your opinion?

    Attached Files:

  2. Miracle Grow is crap for cannabis... I don't know anyone that finished a crop with it.
    The marks on the leaves look more like insect and water drop damage than anything. It isn't pH or deficiencies.

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