Outdoor grow bag size

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Saint Duck, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. Heya all, setting up my outdoor grow. So far I've had great success inside in a tent using 5 gal air pots. My one outdoor gal was in a 7 gal bag and she did great also. But now Ohio is legal and I plan on doing 10-12 outdoor this summer. I planned on using 7 gal bags but reading here and other places some folks recommend using 10-20 gallon bags. My 1 grow in the 7 gal outdoor bag was just under my privacy fence at about 6 1/2 feet. I don't really plan on going taller than that. They have to be out of view to be legal. Would I be okay going with 7 gal bags or should I go bigger? Just looking at 7 gal bags my soil cost will be +$200, bigger bags would obviously bump that up. I'm leaning towards the 7's but am looking for advice from outdoor growers with more experience than me. Crop will be Hulkberry. Gazzurple, Watermelon Zkittles, and Mango Sherbert.
  2. Digging out some in-ground site would give you an extra 16 to 24 inches of headroom to play with before the height and view from fence top becomes an issue. I'd go to a 15-gallon minimum personally. My 17-gallon SIPs way outperform the 5s in plant size. The in-ground plants do best of all by a long stretch.
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  3. I'm with brass, I started with 7 gal,then 10 now 15s. The 15s have holes for tying down, and handles. I put all in sip trays ,using clay pellets for sip tray wicking. The sip tray slides and spins easily .I got 3lbs from 10- 10 gal last year.
    Gonna be a great year:)
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  4. 15 gal minimum for sure, you could always bend them if they get too tall if digging a hole isn't an option.
    I grow in a dog kennel and the sides are 6' I used chain link fence for a roof and bent my plants so they wouldn't grow into the roof. This was when it first became legal in Michigan, Medical only, so security was a concern. Since it became legal for recreational use also everybody seems to be growing.
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