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Out of Bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WeedBratton, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So I wake n baked this morning, but then I realized I had no green left over, so after going through all my shit, I found my dugout, with some ground up nuggets already in it, it's such a small amount the only way to smoke it all is with my bowl, but I don't have a screen, but I noticed that a few of my bag seeds are about the right size, and sure enough 1 fits in pretty well. I guess my question is, will this work?
  2. Yeah that will work, as long as the space around the seed is small enough to prevent the shake from going through. Also, put biggest chunks in first and the finest shake on last.
  3. It should work to block the hole but have you ever had a seed pop on you before?
  4. Idk, I wouldn't take the risk of smoking the oils in those seeds :eek:
    [ame=]Michael Palmer - Don't Smoke The Seed[/ame]

  5. Actually I still have a burn on my wrist from when that happened. Maybe I'll look around a little harder.
  6. I woundent suggest u do that , the seed would pop and smoked seeds give headaches

  7. Or pre-pop it if possible? lol
  8. Use a small rock , but wash it frist lol u dnt wana smoke drit.
  9. #9 WeedBratton, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    There's no rocks or pebbles anywhere near my house, I'm going to fold the bud up in a small piece of a paper and then throw that in the bowl, hopefully it works.

    Update: It worked, but it was not worth it, I'm gonna need to invest in a screen soon.
  10. Go out to the street. I guarantee that there are stones or pebbles around. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere where there are dirt roads.

    If you still can't find any then i would take a stem and use that to cover the hole in your bowl and then pack the bud outta your dugout from largest to smallest starting at the bottom.
  11. get some tape....poke holes in the tape...and stick in in your bowl = 1 use only pipe screen!

  12. Wouldnt the tape melt or catch fire?
  13. Dont try that^^^ I always use a pebble when my pipe is freashly cleaned so i dont pull thru, after its resed up it wont pull thru

  14. Do you realize how fucking bad that is for you?
  15. it would melt for sure. do you have iPod headphones use the netting form those they work great plus they last at least 3 seshs buy the way love he office too
  16. Go outside pick up a pebble that will cover you hole

    Proceed to wash off thoroughly

    Place in bowl

    Now get high:smoke:
  17. Pebbles are your best bet
    Aluminum foil is your next option
  18. Guys he already smoked it lol.
  19. make a small lilttle ball out of tin foil it works good and it takes alot of temp to vapor tin, if you do it once it wont kill ya :rolleyes: haters dont hate
  20. It works, yeah. I've done it before. The last few hits taste (and smell) terrible from the seed though.

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