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Out of bud? No problem! Heres a Solution

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by h4rk4t, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. If your ever run out of your precious bud.... Even for a night...and you just can't take it, there is a LEGAL solution, and its only 2.50$ at your local petshop (petco is where i go).

    CATNIP. Yes, I know a lot of you probably think and are convinced it's just a myth and doesn't work.... but it does.... i thought it was Bullshit, my friend told me about it, so i wanted to prove to him that it was just a myth.... To my surprise though, that day i was doing some researching and came across the book called "Legal Highs - Encyclopedia Of Legal Psychoactive Herbs" By Adam Gottlieb. Which also mentioned that you could get high off of Catnip.

    Of course, you wont get as high as you do on your douja... But, it's a euphoric buzz, smoke enough of it and you can feel it REALLY well... a joint and a half did it for me...bowls would probably be better though. Add a little tobacco if you can, it helps bring out the catnips effects better. And the amount of catnip that you get for just 2-3 dollars is a prime deal... 1 Oz. :p

    CATNIP : Nepeta catoria.
    Family Labiatae (Mint family).
    Material: Leaves.
    Usage: Leaves are smoked alone or with tobacco in equal parts.
    Also, extract is sprayed on tobacco or other smoking material.
    Active Constituents: Metatabilacetone, nepatalactone, nepetalic
    Effects: Mild marijuana−like euphoria, more intense and longer−
    lasting with tobacco.
    Contraindications: No harmful side effects known. Tobacco is
    harmful and addicting.
    Supplier: MGH or pet stores. Extract in aerosol from pet stores. (I came across it at PetCo by accident though while looking for a spray bottle...which reminded me of bet with my I bought some)
    Viable seeds; B, FM, G, NK, RCS.

    Hope this helps anyone out, I barely get on GC anymore and haven't posted for a long while.....but just had to share this with ya guys.:wave:
  2. good find ill throw out a +rep for this but you better not be lying im gunna try this.
  3. Ps. I was in some stupid rehab thing that I was forced to attend to about 2 years back for getting busted with a little chron. While in there.....(this is ridiculous) there were people there for almost every addiction, and there was a circle and each person had to say what they were there for.... Finally it got to this guy who was halfway down the line and he said he was there for CATNIP! He seriously...somehow....was weak-minded enough to have a mental addiction for catnip.... everyone laughed....:eek:. It's sad how some people believe in addiction so much that they can think they are addicted.
  4. Thanks :). No lies bro, Here is a crappy version of the book (cause it's posted on the internet...not in the actual book)

    There are many other sources that talk about catnip:smoking: And many other things besides catnip... Broom flowers for example... easy to find at nurseries, get you high as just dry it out and smoke.

    What i like about the catnip... you can extract it (do the same thing you would do as if extracting hash: using iso. rubbing alcohol...) and then add that to your bud as well, or tobacco...or whatever... or just stick it in some double O (00) capsules and swolow ( i dont know how that works i've never read up on consuming it or tried it lol)
  5. is it harmless like weed tho?
  6. I've heard people say that you can get high off catnip before but I've also heard people say that it had little to no effect on them. I've never been in a situation where I have been so desperate for weed that I would consider smoking catnip. IMO, catnip is best left for cats. If you are out of bud, either buy some more, scrape some resin or pick up some alcohol off someone who is 21 for about $10-15 per bottle.
  7. me and my friend where outa bud one nite and smoked prbly equal to a quarter of catnip and all we got where headaches . maybe it was just us . not everyones the same :cool:
  8. fuck that haha i'll just smoke weed
  9. ya i always heard people with catnip but never really thought it was possibly to get abuzz off it
  10. yeah as much as i would love to think im a kitty, sadly i am not lol
  11. I've tried it a long time ago and it was very harsh on the throat, thought I got a bit of a buzz, who knows, maybe it was a bad strain of catnip, lol.
  12. gross lol. thats like crackheadish, i'd rather tough it out and not be high :p but cool i guess. it is a cousin to the marijuana plant
  13. Any negative effects?? I can't imagine some manufactured product that's sold for cats to do that good of a job at getting someone high.

    For the price though you can't go wrong, but I'll just stay sober.
  14. I added this to a mix of legal herbs, I find its effects very mild, but if you smoke it while high its a good time for all. To me it seems that weed is one of the great enhancers in the psychoactive world.
  15. it maybe technically psychoactive, but it is not enough to feel. trust me, i have the shit growing all over at my house and i harvested it., prolly got 2 ounces of the stuff. i smoked like six bowls of it awhile back, and it did nothing. you probably got plecebo bro, plus, if your looking for legal shit than there isn't much out there that accually works. some legal highs that work include, morning glories, HBWS, amanita muscaria, salvia, datura(never try it, it will ruin your life, you'll probably end up running into a car or down your stairs, it makes you trully hallucinate, not like lsd, that only distorts reality, datura will make you see things and hear things that are not there at all, and the worst part is, you won't know your tripping, so if you take some, then take some more than you will most liekly kill yourself, 1 pod can kill you, never try please.), and a shit load of different legal chemicals that are really exspensive. laterz.
  16. you're retarded if you smoke catnip.
  17. I've read a couple of trip reports about the old datura, that gear seems crazy, I have no urge to try it.
  18. Smoking...catnip?! HAHA.

    Stick to the herb brotha.

  19. if im ever broke enough to try this, shoot my ass

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