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our pick up thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ynnadkrap, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Got 2 grams of this for $30...

  2. Good dank, good price...:hello:
  3. yea seems like a great deal considering i get a g from 20 outside philly.. DANK pick ups
  4. dats grit weed bro. dont smoke it :(
  5. how can u tell?...

    i dont think it is, looks nice actually
  6. Dude that stuff is pretty Bomb. I think you got a good deal
  7. good deal... weed looks aight
  8. Damn! Apparently you get dank on the low in hell...
  9. stuff looks bomb. i have some kush that was similar to that.
    i paid way to much for it..

  10. literally no way to see that from the pics

    nice weed

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