It's a constant fight. I don't think time is the root of every problem.. but the problem posed by time is far greater than any other problem. Time is both our best friend and greatest enemy.
i would say the enemy is past and future. There aren't really any problems that happen now. we bring back the past which makes us feel bad, or we envision the future which also makes us feel bad. time is just a measurement of change
Time is not merely a measurment. We quantified it but whether or not we had done that time would still exist.
[quote name='"BIGxBARE"']Time is not merely a measurment. We quantified it but whether or not we had done that time would still exist.[/quote] Time does not exist in the way we see it. Just like if we didnt use inches, inches of things would obviously still exist. So, lack of quantifying time just gets rid of hours days etc, but that which it is measuring and quantifying would still exist. Which is why I said time is a measurement of change. Time is the hours days measuring. "What time is it?" "5:23 PM Eastern Standard Time"
i can see what you are saying and would agree if it were about watches and about clocks, but for time itself i cannot agree, because nature makes man have to deal with the changing of seasons for farmers, for example and so does the cosmos by the changing fo the constellations for sailors...
how do we do we/you know death is not our best friend and greatly to be preferred over being alive...?...
I'm still young, but trust me I'm gonna do it right. The reason I pondered time, was because I feel I will never have enough. Honestly, I want to learn everything there is to know about everything that is. Unfortunately time limits me.
Your perception of time may be your enemy. But on the other hand Time heals Its all about perceptions