Our FUCKED UP society and our FUCKED UP schools.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by goodolddays, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. I recently got back from volunteer work at a local elementary school and I am disgusted going back to elementary.
    First off it reminds me how bad our school system is. The kids are like prisoners and the teachers don't understand the minds of children so they are yelling at them to sit in their seats, making them feel like "troublemakers" for well... being kids?
    Repeatedly calling a little kid a troublemaker will only make him accept what the "well trained and educated teacher" tells him... He is now destined to become a troublemaker for part of his life.

    Let me clear some things up; I was in a "special education" class with about 25 "slow" students. And less than half of these kids were slow. In fact they were just misunderstood, kids who were overlooked and neglected by the dumb asses running the fucking child prison. A kid I got a close bond with was so bombarded by being called a menace, that he fucking embraced the role everyone set on him and totally stressed the little dude out. He would scream in class and just show complete rage against the teacher... (hes like 10 years old people, think how hes going to be when hes 18...)

    Another thing, why is it that everything controlled by the government has turned to shit. You know once the US government took over the schooling system it became one of the worst in the world?
    Once the US government took control of food and drugs (USDA) we have gotten fatter/less healthy?
    Once the government took control of the economy it hasn't been stable?

    Comeon people! the list goes on and on. This society fucking sucks, we eat garbage every day, we are influenced by fake ass celebrities and I can't fucking take it. Maybe I'm being a little mellow dramatic, but once I had these realizations, I've had a total disgust in my stomach because of these things. My friend pointed out that this Minute maid "Lemonade" wasn't lemonade. I looked at the ingredients, to my surprise it was all fucking chemical. Took a sip, it tasted like fucking radioactive lemonade. I mean seriously, how far are we going to let this fucking society go down the toilet. I can't fucking stand it here, and I used to have American pride until this society turned into a joke. I might just move to a better country because I really don't like anything here. It's overwhelming me man.


    I have other shit to do than write a whole paper about my volunteer work, but that's just some of the shit that happened to me. Ill share more later (I have a few papers to write and can't spend much time on GC)

    Sorry about the excessive cursing GC. I just really feel this shit.
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  2. Weed smokers sure love to hate society.
  3. That's because it's all bullshit man. You can't tell me that you are 100% OK with your current situation in society. There's just too much bullshit in the world. I'd leave the US if it wasn't for the constitution (which is losing it's power in this country..) We are losing our rights every day due to bullshit laws and just rediculous shit. The braidy campaign is pushing anti gun laws everywhere. Just imagine people; how safe it would be to sit on your own couch, knowing your gun was seized by the US and you can't protect yourself or your family when an armed criminal walks into your house.
    Do you think anti gun laws will fucking protect us!??! NO!
    It's a fact, higher gun restrictions = higher crime rates.
    How many rights are you going to let them take from us before you put an end to it? Do you want to wait until they take away the right to speak in public? Oh yeah, then we should DEFINITELY say something about THAT.
  4. I feel like conventional schooling is just a waste of time for the most part. You're right on teachers not understanding kids, half the time they aren't allowed to teach in an effective manner. It's disgusting. Children ARE made to feel like there's something wrong with them for being kids. I was a cronic fidgeter, I would tap my pencil, chew on it, poke my erasers, pick at my papers, doodle on EVERYTHING and over and over they thought I had a learning disability (I do, but not ADD or one that makes me have excess energy). I was just an energetic kid. Even though high school it was impossible to sit and listen to boring shit for 8 hours a day. I don't know if that's related to the government taking over the schools or not, but it's definitely not helping education at all.

    One of the reasons I like to smoke is it chills me out and culls that extra energy. It doesn't make me focus more but it lets me sit and absorb things easier.

    I don't hate society. I don't have much faith in it but I don't hate it...I just think everything needs an overhaul. Education, health care, economy...everything.
  5. #5 casp3r420, Aug 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2010
    wow thats fucked up

    i know what you say in school teachers always said to me that i was dumb but come on i was only 10 years old... just reading a book and telling a kid what is good or wrong is really not teaching and yes schools are prisons were they wash little brains kids absorbs everything like a sponge
  6. I agree man, no one seems to realize it. This is why I wanna move away from America later in life.
  7. I don't think anyone's okay, 100% with their situation in society. We have a dysfunctional society which is why I don't have any faith in it. Law enforcement is attacking gun crime in a completely backwards fashion. I can't obtain a gun license because I have depression and PTSD but I've never been suicidal and I would never harm anyone. I just want a gun because I'm a female and I live with my disabled mother and I would like to have the knowledge that if someone did break in, (it's happened before) or I was attacked (it's happened before) I could defend myself. Instead, I can't obtain a gun, and a typo on the paperwork can cause a law-abiding citizen to lose theirs. Meanwhile, while law enforcement is hung up on seizing legal guns, thousands if not millions of weapons are on the streets, unregistered, illegal, in the hands of violent criminals. THOSE are the guns that need to be controlled. We don't need to stop everyone with a history of mental illness from having one.

    Anti-gun laws don't protect the majority of people. They put people in danger.

    I won't let them take my rights. I feel wronged by not being able to have a gun, I will never give up my right to free speech and lawful action. I will never give up ANY of my other rights willingly, they will have to pull them from my dead, clenching hands!
  8. Yes I feel you. It really is fucking backwards, It's almost like "lets take away guns from the law abiding citizens that will follow this legislation, but violent criminals are out of our power...so let's just not even bother." It's a fucking joke. Welcome to America. Land of the free.
  9. I hate to tell you this, but the Federal Government doesn't run the school systems in America, the individual states run their own schools.
  10. That's right. Our bankrupt states are controlling the educational system.

  11. Probably has something to do with this:


    • Like Like x 1
  12. but mike.. you live in california, so you're already set for life bro.. rofl
  13. What does that mean. California sucks. The gas is overpriced because they think were rich here, the houses are expensive, it costs to live here.
  14. Oh i see, your from these parts too. Well you already know about how expensive shit is here.:rolleyes:
    PS. Thank you MOD for moving my thread. I didn't realize this would go from story telling to political topics.
  15. Just make sure you have proper firearm training before expecting to use that gun.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  16. damn. out of all imprisoned, half is drug related.

    thats some shit. im just glad that it is all coming to an end and what should be will be.
  17. What is that supposed to mean? Maybe learn how to write a complete sentence before you start criticizing him about his views on education.
  18. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you mean. I've been reflecting on it more lately as my first, and probably only child, is due around March 1 and I have no idea how I will be able to keep him/her out of public schools...but I will. The problem with the central government assuming control of more and more aspects of our lives is that they take a one size fits all approach to everything. I for one think that is absolutely by design. The American education system wasn't designed to bring out the best in children. It was designed to create a docile and manageable workforce. From day one children are taught to throw individuality to the wind and go with the flow.
    I can't claim to know what the answers are. I think ideally you'd have at least one teacher per pupil but that is entirely impractical. Therefore the best I can think of is some form of school choice. Whether it be the complete abolition of the government education system or the implementation of some voucher system we know that what we have isn't suitable for a free people.

  19. :hello: Thank you for that. A lot "slow" kids are actually very smart

  20. What does the Department of Education do? Yea, I don't think that federal program affects the running of school systems in America.:rolleyes:

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