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Ounce pickup question?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by GhettoMedia, May 12, 2011.

  1. I have bought ounces before from my friend for $270. I would at it's pretty dank. I can get quite high off of a single bowl.
    Although, I could also get an ounce from another friend for $250. I was wondering if I should attempt this because it could be higher quality and it is cheaper. The problem is it could be shitty. What do you guys recommend
  2. Get it from your friend, if hes your friend he wont dip you
  3. Well they are both friends. It's just that i have used the $270 before. And not the $250
  4. why not buy a gram to try first?
  5. #5 NoFuFoU, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    Ask to try it, if it really is your friend it probably wouldnt be a big deal. If its just a dealer that isnt cool with that just get maybe an 1/8 or less even to try it out. Though, at that amount 20 bucks probably isnt that big of a deal.

    EDIT/ Just saw yours after i posted noton. But with a gram he might just throw out one of the best nugs to make it seem better, i usually try go get a bit more before buying anything above a half.

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