Other Worlds

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Malaclypse, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Hey kids. For a long time I've been thinking about trying to reach another reality, getting to another world. I don't just wanna trip balls (well, I do), I want to see other worlds.

    So if I were to go about this, which substance would you recommend?
  2. DMT
    or really strong salvia
  3. Probably salvia. If you get some good stuff it'll take you there.
  4. in two of my trips i kept jumping back and forth through different realities. idk if im just suffering from derealization, but i dont think ill ever know or be sure if it was just the acid or if it really did happen.

    i got to see the universe start with the big bang, and so many other crazy, awesome and at times frightening things.

    i havent tried dmt yet, but from everything ive researched about it and talked to ppl. its not something to do in a "party" situation. use it for spiritual, meditation, introspection, that kinda stuff. so itd probably be perfect for what youre trying to do, but it might not be the best psychedelic to try first

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