I'm not sure how many people on this site are going to be watching the Oscar's tonight, but for those of you who are these are my predictions on the winners. Actor- Sean Penn (Milk) Franco deserves a nomination along with Penn. Actress- Kate Winslett (Reader) I've heard the woman from Frozen River did an amazing job, but I haven't seen the movie so I have to go with Winslett. Supporting Actor- Heath Ledger (Dark Knight) How could you not give it to him? Supporting Actress- Taraji Henson (Benjamin Button) A bit of a stretch in picking her, but I honestly believe she deserves it. Best Picture- Slumdog Millionare- In my opinion best movie of the year. Enough said. I'm just going to throw this one in too... Best Song: O Saya from Slumdog Millionare- Badass song featuring M.I.A
I wanted Micky Rourke to win the Oscar. He really deserved this and could never do it at any other age. He was perfect for the role and played it well. I thought Marisa Tomei was excellent also in The Wrestler, with Micky Rourke. Slumdog was ok, but overrated. pretty overrated.