orignal meaning of ftw?

Discussion in 'General' started by Clueless, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. does it really stand for fuck the world coined by a biker gang?
  2. for the win

    as in "chronicman's cock ftw"
  3. Simple answer is that it depends on who you ask.

    Ask most bikers, depending on the area of the country, and it's Fuck The World.

    Ask on them intranets, and it's for the win.
  4. lol yeah i know what it stands for now, but i just this show called gangland and this biker was showing off his tattoos, and one of them happened to be f.t.w
  5. For The Win
  6. fuck that weiner. hoe
  7. :laughing: lol, yeah. it was coined by bikers. Rough, tough, basement dwelling bikers.

    I think they came up with lolcats too. :p
  8. Scruffy biker dude, what's the meaning of LOLOMGWTF?
  9. Free The Whales.
  10. Haha I was watching that last night and thought the same thing.

    I thought of For The Win everytime I saw it till it said it stood for fuck the world.
  11. FTW tatted on bikers long before, the internet existed.
  12. lulz!!

    FTW!!!! FRODO!
  13. Just so you know, two separate people can come up with the same acronym for two completely different things. But that doesn't mean the second is copying the first. ;)
  14. Actually now that I think of it, FTW was first used by the cavemen; Fuck This Wheel.
  15. Fire Too Warm :eek:
  16. Were I'm from it means free the weed. Like legalise it. You see it written on walls and stuff.
  17. FTW:

    (depending on context used)

    Fuck The World
    For The Win
    For The World
  18. I always thought ftw meant fuck the world.

    i just recently in the past like two years figured out it means for the win too :D im retarded.

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