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Original Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by JVlarijuana, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. This is some shit i picked up recently, my picture you can't really see the dank-ness of it but I'll see if i can get some HD shots with my other camera, which my cousin has right now so I'll have to wait. i'm going to be taking photos of all my dank i pick up now for you guys GC. Toke up ~

    This strain is "Kush"
    it's very light green in coulor, very crystally and nice red hairs. The bud isn't that dense which I like.

    Dank :: Kush picture by godlypowers - Photobucket
  2. ew looks like decent mids bro. not kush lol.:p
  3. yeah i agree, i can show you the shit i grow for clubs for some kill.
  4. I know :( These picture don't look a lot like it at all. Sorry. + This is one of the popcorn nugs in the bag, 5 days ago i had a 6.5 gram nug of it. It was beautiful.

  5. so how much upay for those reggies???
  6. 100 For a half oz .

  7. UMMM, DOES anyone want to see some real clubshit, hint the name, I GROW FOR THEM>>
  8. Go hate somewhere else .

  9. oh dang i think u got ripped off :eek: u shuld of paid 30 for a half oz of those
  10. not to mention mine isn't "clubshit" mine is grown outdoor in canada, and it hits really smooth, and has a tropical smell.
  11. Aha, i don't know why your hating. I'm just showing some buds, from what you seen on a picture from a shitty laptop camera cannot justify. i'll post some HD photos when i can.
  12. i wish i could get that shit for 30 a half o!!!!

    its hard to find $25 a quad of shitty mexican weed around here. FUCK!
  13. In ontario there is no such thing as shitty mexican weed. Nobody buys it, so nobody sells it. 35 dollar half quarter of sour diesel here., and 25 dollar halfquarter of mids.
  14. I JUST TOOK PIC OF NUG JUST AS BIG AS ONE IN POST. i have every right to hate, because i grow for the clubs and i love seeing people struggle with stupidity on trichome structure and turpins, not knowing what good weed is.

    Attached Files:

  15. Okay there fuckin' master of weed. THANKS :D
  16. YOU are welcome, and your weed is shit. sorry pal, if you think that's good i feel sorry cuz you dont konw what good is.
  17. OP lives in Canada... I'm almost absolutely sure the pics do NOT do the bud justice... Benefit of the doubt :cool:

  18. Your forgetting OG Kush.

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