Organics to decrease Internodal Spacing??

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by jakrustle, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. My last two grows my plants keep really stretching. Is there something organic to get them bushier?

    I have looked into the regular products out there like Bushmaster, but wondered if there is an organic component to replace that. They do say the Bushmaster is organic.

    Love long legs, but not on the creatures in my tent!

  2. Are you refering to stretching during flowering? Or in general?

    Assumming your conditions are ideal ( intense light, good temps, proper water, goo ventilation) you may just need to start topping your plants to divert the growth.

    If your complaint is that they stretch too much at flowering your not really going to get around that. I hear bushmaster works, i have tried Phosphoload ( not organic) and it definately initiated the flowering sooner, and stopped the stretching within a day of adding to my res.
  3. SS, yeah, during flowering. Doesn't seem bad at all when I have the 110W FL right on them. When I switch over to the 150W HPS the plants really seem to take off. I mean like 2-4" nodal spacing.

    I have good ventilation, good water, nearly constant 78 degrees, though sometimes you get a flux from 75-80, depending on how much the central air is kicking in, outside temps, etc.

    I heard the Phosphoload was good, but WOW!! Very spendy from what I was told. Was just wondering if there was a wholey organic product that was available. Thanks, though.

  4. Indoors? Blue light. That helps the plants inhibit their stem growth so their internodal spacing is better, that together with Dyna Gro proteKt which lets the plant get beefier are the only suggestions I can give.
  5. the only things i can think of are blue light, keeping the light close to the plant, and excluding nitrogen when feeding/in the medium. I found with my second grow that I had NO stretch in flower due to a combination of root-boundness and keeping the light close as hell
  6. I have a feeling it might largely be the lighting. When I go to the 150W I move it off too far, worrying about the burn. All in all though it is only about 10" away. I was thinking of getting a better reflector and ventilating it directly.

    I know I am off the Organic Path, but at the risk of being relocated, if I get a reflector/fans to directly exhaust the fixture, doesn't radiant heat still effect the plant at some point?? Or, does the exhaust work that well?

    The thing about going to the chemicals like Bushmaster, which says it is organic(?) is not knowing exactly what is in it.

    Heading home finally. the long way, but I will be getting there soon. Can't wait to see my real plants and not pics of them.

  7. You might pinch those cute little babies, snap the hurd on them. Slows the vertical growth, but not the horizontal growth. Makes a shorter and wider plant.

  8. It's a good idea to keep the light away when your switching to the HPS, but you should only need to do that for a day or so. after they get used to that you can move your light closer....say 6-8"

    and for ventilating your light, YES ventilating it into the ambient growing area does no good. You need to run a duct out of the cabinet/tent/wherever you're growing to actually get the heat out
  9. Jak,

    I have used Bushmaster in the past and TBH......I could have used some of my pH down. Fertilizer Product Information This page shows that all that is in Bushmaster is phosphoric acid......hmmmmm.


  10. and it's not even that strong...
  11. A mineral inorganic acid and the preservative darling of the bottled supplement industry.
  12. Seaweed/kelp products contain specific auxins (phytohormones) which will reduce the internodal spacing as does alfalfa meal.

    Making a tea out of either (or both) will get you to where you want to be in this regard. As well as feeding your plants to boot.

    RE: Bushmaster

    A better name given their paltry 0.1% of available phosphorus for this joke should be 'R-U-F*cking-Me?' Once again that's Zero Point 1/10 of 1% and costs over $90.00 per quart. Pretty expensive source of phosphorus - to say the least.


  13. LD, that was good. lol!

    Yeah, I have been using Seaweed Extract, but I got the Growmore Extract and I should probably get the KIS and try that instead. I just got home today and one of my girls has like 6" internodes and about 3' tall. Extreme legs. I tied it over just a bit because it is darn near hitting the light now. I never thought this C99 strain would be like this.

    Chunk and Madodah, thanks for the info on the Bushmaster. Yes, what a damn rip off. Like LD said so eloquently and appropriately, too. I will have to look at the GH pH Down to see what it has in it in comparison to the Bushmaster. Since it has Phosphoric Acid in it, too.

    Funny thing is, the instructions on the Bushmaster says to use Seaweed Extract prior to putting it on. WTF!! If this stuff is way overpriced what about the Dutchmasters, was it, that they say is like 3X more expensive than that? Holy Shyte!

    Thanks for the input guys.


  14. If you pinch the mainstem many times and in many places during it's upward climb it will be much much shorter in height. Look into it. You pinch hard enough to hear the hurd crack and then stop, move to another place, repeat process. Makes the plant have to 'fix' the stem and meanwhile the rest of the sideward growing stuff keeps growing, just the mainstem stops until the damage is repaired. It works, look into it.
  15. LOL - we used to call that process 'poppin' the Mary's' - keep in mind that you were dealing with known perverts. In a good way.

    There is a 'legend' around the web that has posted on any number of cannabis boards for over 12 years. He's pretty much an asshole but he knows his stuff.

    He posted a thread on the OG board way back when and here was his method which I've done with specific strains because it works.

    Grow out the plant until you have at least 4 levels of branching - minimum. Cut the main stalk down to where you have only 4 branches showing. Make sure that you have strong branches for this method.

    The stalk that you cut will give you the bestest ever clone - big time. The remaining branches become (for the sake of this discussion) 4 individual main colas. If you watch your plant and grow out the 4 branches you'll definitely maximize your yield. Big time.

    The downside (I suppose) is that you'll be having your plants in the veg cycle longer than otherwise.

    Sounds goofy but it's effective.

  16. Lumper and Skunk, thanks for the ideas. When I get my next grow going I will have to try these two things. Along with the other ideas, hopefully, I can get my C 99 to grow a little more efficiently/tighter.

  17. And 'fimming' too, you can end with 8-16 main stems if you veg long enough.

    Jak: Now that i think it all the way thru i had this very tall plant that was a White Satin, just loved it for years, long way's back...I used a two foot long, six inch wide window box style planter from the K-mart. Plant the plant at one end, rubber band it down along the length of the planter box as it try's to grow upward, and all the side shoots become main colas. Like a simple LST, one that only veg's for a few weeks or until the plant grows from one end to the other of it's planter box. I'd get many lovely colas and it's was easy to do and worked with this particular plant that wanted to be 4 ft tall if grown vertically.
    LSTing.... look into it, there are many styles and many takes on it, but they all result in a tall plant being pinned in some manner so that it's only produces side shoots as colas, and they are much shorter than the meristem would be and production is high.
  18. Skunk, been looking at the LST thing. You know, with these Air Pots that I just ordered, it will be easy to tie down to the outside of the pots. I LST'ed my first grow and I really like the idea of it. I never trimmed either of these plants I have now and I really should have. My hind sight is 20/20!!

    So, I will be going in the new 2.4 gal Airpots. THen I will figure on trimming, Fimming, LST, etc to optimize my space even further.

  19. With the new fabricky pots you could kinda 'sew' them down to the sides, using a carpet needle and some poly thread! That would work for your set up and your too tall plant. I have a new pick growing out now, it's a first run and it's like yours, too tall. I will take the clones (if i like the weed) and probably do an LST of some sort. It is this thick stemmed monster of a plant, smells sweek and orangey too, like a California Orange from the 80' doubt the same basic gene pool.
  20. I use this same method but then pinch again to get 8 or more main colas.Yes you do veg longer, we go 3 months from rooting to start budding. At about 6 to 8 weeks into veg I have this same problem with stretching. I have a living soil and use a kelp, alfalfa,ewc,compost,and liquid fish tea, roiled for 24 hrs. Once a week. Just plain water most other times, sometimes I'll add a little hyrolized fish liquid.
    My question is should I leave something out or do a seperate kelp tea?

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